Everything You Need to Know About Hair Weft

As women, no matter how much we try to maintain our hair, there always are those random bad hair days that effortlessly ruin our gala moments. Probably that is why the people behind the hair weft concept have thought to introduce it in the industry.

What is a hair weft?

A hair weft, or weft hair as others call it, is a collection of hair strands whose one end is attached to a fine clothing strip. People who are fond of wearing hair extensions mostly choose hair wefts over other variants because the former is more versatile and safer to use.

The terms hair weft and weave hair extensions are commonly interchanged in the hair industry. They are not the same but are actually related in the sense that the former is the hair material while the latter is the method of attaching the former to the wearer’s actual hair.

A lot of hair wefts that vary in terms of color, length, and quality are now available in the market but decent ones’ prices range from $170 to $190.

Hair wefts may be a lifesaver to women who want instantly lengthy hair but depending on how they are installed, they might need to be replaced a bit sooner. For instance, if they are installed with clips, although they can be easily removed at night, the likelihood of wear and tear is high. Meanwhile, hair wefts that are attached or sewn-in like hair extensions will more often than not demand replacement after four to six weeks of usage.

Why should you switch to using a hair weft?

First and foremost, hair wefts are far affordable compared to getting a hair extension but aside from the fact that it is budget-friendly, surprisingly it also offers a lot of benefits. These include lock protection against heat damage and instant strengthening of the underneath hair. With hair weft, you can achieve a lot of hairstyles easily and it is one of the great options the hair industry can offer if you want long hair in an instant.

Hair Weft Installation 101

There are a variety of methods that you can try in installing a hair weft. Aside from making use of clips or adhesives which is the easiest and most accessible approach, hair wefts can also be beaded, weaved, or sewn to your natural hair. Meanwhile, there are many others who prefer a popular hair weft installation method called the micro ring hair extensions.

The Micro Ring Method

The micro ring method is awesomely suitable on all types of hair, short or long, thick or fine, bulky or flat. It does not make use of heat and glue; thus most of the time, no relevant damage is incurred. Among the many methods, the micro ring is one of the friendliest ones as its maintenance and removal requirements are simple. Opting for this method will help you style your hair freely in many ways while achieving that natural hair look.

In this method, the materials needed are the microbead rings, a plier, a loop, clippers, a rattail comb, and the hair weft itself.

To install the weft, the first step would be to place it on your desired spot and secure two sides of the weave using your clippers.

Then, from the middle, gather a few of your hair strands and mix it with the same amount of strands from the weft.

Third, take 1 bead, slip it onto the loop, and gently pull the hair you previously collected through it.

Then once done, insert it into the ring and slowly slide up the bead onto the top. Stop at the spot underneath the stitching. Then, end it by clamping the microbead ring up using the plier until it is back to its original spot.

Then do it all over on the other strands until everything is covered.

During the first week with your hair weft on, you might observe some tightening sensation on your head but that is perfectly normal. As for the maintenance, you should check your hair weft and move it up appropriately to your hair growth every two to three months.

The Sewing Method

Others commonly attach their hair wefts using the sewing method. Basically, in this method, the hair weft will be sewn-in to your track. However, if your hair is weak, damaged, or fragile, this is not the best method for you.

Here is how it is done:

First, you will need to ensure that your natural hair is washed clean before you start the sewing process. Then, proceed on making cornrows by taking a few hair strands and firmly braiding them. Then, proceed on threading the needle and sewing the hair weft straight onto your track. Do it carefully to achieve a seamless look but if you want to ensure an excellent output, hiring a professional hair stylist would be a smart decision.

This method is not demanding when it comes to maintenance. Just shampoo your hair on a regular basis and keep away from styling your hair using any heated tool.

The Tape-in Method

This advance method is mostly used when installing skin weft extensions wherein a scalp-like extension will be used to achieve a more natural-looking output. However, in this method, reinstallation works will be needed six to eight weeks after the first session.

Should you decide to use a hair weft, do note that one to two days from the installation date, washing your hair or sweating excessively that may cause your scalp and hair to wet is prohibited as the weft also needs time to heal.

The abovementioned hair weft installing methods have their own upsides and downsides and although you can totally learn to install and remove the weft on your own, nothing is much safer than entrusting the job to a real professional who has the skills, knowledge, and tools, to carry it out and achieve best results.

When the breadth grows, consequently the weft’s track will also move down and appear more visible.

Thus, one of the maintenance requirements after the installation is its periodical reinstallation. The purpose of this is to ensure that the weaves remain closely attached to your tresses’ roots and maintain that awesome output.