Follow These Essential Skin Care Tips This Summer

After the cold and dreary winter months, nearly everyone looks forward to heading out into the summer sun for some relaxing outdoor time. Be sure that you protect your skin so that you don’t end up getting sunburned, and put on the sidelines.

What are the proper steps for summer skin preparation?

Buy new sunscreen for the season.

Good sunscreens aren’t cheap, but that doesn’t mean that the bottle you bought last year or the year before is still effective. Pick up a few new bottles, and get at least SPF 30, as recommended by dermatologists.

Apply sunscreen every two hours you’re in the sun, and more often if you’re swimming or sweating. It’s a good idea to select a product that has protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Exfoliate your skin to keep it healthy

Your body is continuously shedding old skin, and you don’t want that to plug up your pores. It can make your skin appear dry and dull.

Get rid of the old skin before you use moisturizers so that they can be properly absorbed. Don’t scrub too hard – use gentle circles when you exfoliate, to avoid irritation.

Shave carefully, to protect your skin

In the winter, you probably got away with less frequent shaving of your legs. Now that summer is on the way, you’ll need to keep up with shaving on whatever parts you want to show off in a swimsuit.

Use a quality razor or shaver, to avoid razor burn. Use a shaving lotion or gel that offers additional hydration. This will cut down on shaving nicks, too.

Use a summer lotion to hydrate your skin

Lighter lotions usually work better in the summer than those heavier lotions you may use in the wintertime. Faster-absorbing moisturizers work well in the summer. It’s vital to keep your skin properly hydrated, especially when you’re going to be out in the sun.

Summer fragrances are nice touches for warm weather, too. Fruity lotions give off the scents of the season. Apply moisturizers as soon as you pat your skin dry following your shower. This will help to seal in moisture.

A serum such as Rodan and Fields Active Hydration Serum can also do wonders for your summer skin and is worth checking out.

Self-tanning gives you a safer summer glow

There’s nothing wrong with wanting some color for the summer, but not from the sun or a tanning bed. Use sunless tanners to give yourself that bronze look. They take a little practice to get perfect, but it’s time well spent, instead of spending time outdoors or at the tanning salon.

Self-tanners that build up color are a good way to increase your summer skin color a little at a time, so it looks more natural. Select tanning products that also contain moisturizers, since summer activities can take a lot of the moisture out of your skin.

Look great from top to bottom this summer

Since it’s almost the season for sandals, get a pedicure or do one for yourself at home. Scrub off dry skin so that you’re ready to go barefoot. Use moisturizers on your feet, too. Hydration is important for all summer skin.