How To Get The Most Out Of Your Perfume

Perfumes are simply understated! They form quite an important part of your daily grooming process. Whether you are going to the office, on a date, or even sleeping in at home, you surely enjoy smelling good at all times. Yet, sometimes, using perfume can be quite costly. Depending on your usage, you can easily go through your perfume bottle within a month or two.

This doesn’t always have to be the case. The good news is that you can adopt simple tricks to get the most of your perfume and ultimately, make it last longer. So the next time you go perfume shopping, you don’t have to worry about spending your $$$ again within a few weeks.

Storage Matters

The number one thing to do to ensure cost-effective usage of your perfume is to preserve its longevity so you can use it for a longer duration. So the first thing you want to do right is to store it in an ideal location.

Your perfume’s biggest enemy is light, heat, and humidity. Combined or on their own, these elements break down the fragrant chemicals of your perfume. This ultimately affects the scent by weakening it. This also means that your fragrance scent becomes loses its longevity; prompting you to refresh it again and again. 

Thus, avoid areas that are prone to humidity, direct light, or heat. Avoid storing your perfume in places such as the bathroom or on that dresser that can be hit by direct sunlight. Store them in a cold and dry place. Keep the perfume’s original box and store it in there. For super storage ideas, if you have a mini-refrigerator, it is a great storage location. This is because it is dry, cool, and dark.

Small Is Enough

Contrary to what you may believe, dousing yourself and your clothing with perfume does not enhance its longevity. This simply accelerates the rate at which your perfume depletes. Instead, focusing a few spritzes on the right areas of your body does the trick.

Target Pulse Points On Your Body

Rather than spritzing perfume all over your body, targeting pulse points helps to enhance its strength and longevity. Because you will use significantly fewer amounts and apply the perfume in fewer areas of your body, this also means that it lasts longer.

Pulse points are areas where the arteries are closer to the surface of the skin. These areas tend to be warmer, thus, they enhance absorption and delay the rate at which your perfume dissipates. Pulse points include areas such as your neck, chest, behind the elbows, behind the wrists, ankles, and calves. 

Vaseline Locks In Your Fragrance

Vaseline is a magical counterpart to your perfume. With Vaseline, you can expect to use even less perfume. This is because as a moisturizer, the Vaseline traps moisture on your skin.  Moisturized skin enhances the absorption of your perfume whilst also delaying its dissipation. Simply apply a smudge of Vaseline on pressure points, then, apply perfume for a longer-lasting scent.

Hydrated And Moisturized Skin Is Better

To remove the need to refresh and spritz your body with perfume every 15 minutes, hydrate and moisturize it. Applying perfume as soon as you come out from a hot and steamy shower helps to lock in the scent. This is because clean skin bears open pores to help your skin to easily absorb and lock in the scent. 

The same principle applies to moisturized skin. In fact, dry skin does the opposite of what moisturized skin does. Applying perfume on dry skin simply allows it to dissipate at the same time. So you will find yourself using more perfume if you have dry skin. So remember to shower, moisturize, and immediately apply perfume. 

Showering and moisturizing are not the only ways to ensure your body is moisturized and hydrated. You should incorporate this concept into your lifestyle. For example, drinking the recommended amount of water and eating fruits daily helps to keep your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin responds well to moisturizers and lotions.

Fragrance Notes Make A difference

If your perfume lasts longer, it means that you will need to apply less of it. This also means that the amount of times to which you have to refresh it also declines. In this case, you want to choose a perfume with the right base notes.  

Base notes are the fragrance notes that last longer compared to the top and middle notes. So you want to go for base notes that are stronger and last longer. Opt for notes such as musk and vanilla. Avoid citrus base notes as they tend to dissipate much faster.

Use Your Perfume Elsewhere

You can also use your perfume elsewhere to enhance its longevity so you don’t have to refresh it over and over again. A good example of where else you can use your perfume is the hair. Yes, you read right, you can apply your perfume on your hair to enhance its strength and longevity. However, do not apply it directly on the hair because it may cause it to frizz.

Instead, spritz it on your hairbrush, let it dry for a second or two, and run it through your hair for a long-lasting pleasant scent. Additionally, you can also apply your perfume on your clothes. Again, the trick is not to apply it directly on your clothes when you are wearing them. Instead, spray your wardrobe or dresser with a few whiffs of your favorite scent at least once a week. When you wear your clothes, you will still enjoy the lingering scent.

Use It To The Last Drop

When your perfume is almost depleted, don’t discard the bottle just yet. Instead, add the few remaining drops to the bottle of your unscented lotion or shower gel.  This allows you to enjoy the remainder of your scent when you apply the lotion on your skin or when you shower with the bath wash. The best part about the lotion is that it moisturizes your skin, thus, absorbing the scent and allowing it to last longer.