The Best Pre & Post Workout Juice Recipes

You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to enjoy the advantages of juicing before and after workouts. Even if you’re beginning a fitness routine, nutritious and well-blended juices can supply the fuel your body needs. Post-workout juices can replenish hydration lost and nutrients used while you exercise. You don’t need to be a chef to mix up these delicious recipes, either. All you need is a high-quality juicer and some essential ingredients.

Go Green Before Warming Up

If you’re new to juicing, you probably pictured fruit juice blends first – but they’re just a few of the many possibilities. Fruits are truly fab, but leafy greens and herbs can pack a punch. Kale may be the newest fave, but it’s been a staple of African cuisines for centuries. It and other leafy greens are high in vitamins A, C, K, fiber and potassium. Green herbs like basil, mint and cilantro offer their own benefits – namely flavonoids and other vitamins. These and other green produce contain plenty of water, sure to keep exercisers hydrated while taking their electric bikes out for workouts. This basic green apple and kale juice adds some mint for an extra kick of flavor:

  • 6 leaves of kale
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • Pineapple chunks
  • 2 mint leaves
  • 1 lime with peel

Try This Post-Workout Pick-Me-Up

You’ve done your pre-workout power-up, but your body needs to recover after your exercise session. Remember those wonderful antioxidants? It turns out that flavonoids and carotenoids give fruits and veggies their bright colors and can aid in better heart health, fight inflammation and help tired muscles repair after going the distance. And what better source of antioxidants than this beautiful burgundy blueberry and pomegranate juice? Again, you’ll just need your juicer and some fresh ingredients:

  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 ½ cups red grapes
  • 3 stalks of celery

You know that the blueberries, pomegranate and grapes supply your antioxidants, but what’s the deal with the celery? For one thing, it’s a nutrient powerhouse with zinc, copper, biotin, folate and B vitamins. These compounds help your body manufacture blood and nerve cells along with the proteins found in hair, skin, nails and muscle tissue. They also aid in digestion and keep your immune system in good shape.

Pay Attention To These Pointers

Juicing is fun and, for the most part, safe. However, it’s worth minding some precautions before trying your latest blends. Keep in mind that some juices can clash with medications – for instance, grapefruit juice and statins, some antidepressants, certain blood pressure meds and HIV medications. Too much tomato and orange may trigger acid reflux, and too many leafy greens can prompt a case of stomach distress. The key here is moderation – try to balance your intake and include a wide variety of fruits and veggies.

Now that you’ve read these useful juicing tips and recipes, maybe your workout needs a recharge of a different kind. For a departure from the usual gym routine, electric bikes for short riders offer a great balance between effort and assistance. The best electric bikes for tall riders also provide these benefits, so do your homework and try new things to keep your routine fresh.