Your Summer Cleaning Checklist for 2020

Most people don’t want to clean but enjoy living in a clean home. Breaking the cleaning down into seasons can ensure you focus on what the major issues will be and all those forgotten about spots get the clean they need.


Summer, known for sunshine and insects. Sticky spillages and dirty dishes attract wasps, bees, ants and other insects. These need to be wiped right away. Dirty dishes need to be washed at least once per day. Pet dishes need to be cleaned daily too, and this prevents maggots.


Summertime, or hayfever time, as one in five people living in the UK call it, isn’t just sunshine and ice lollies, it is sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose. Cleaning the blinds at least once per week can ease the in-home pollen levels. Vacuuming at least once a week reduces the pollen in the home and picks up any sugar left behind so it won’t attract insects. You don’t want ants taking up residence. Floors also need to be washed. It doesn’t matter if they’re tiles, laminate, natural wood or other.

Don’t forget the medicine cabinet.

Be sure to schedule in a summertime sort out of the medicine cabinet and sort through the makeup and toiletries as well. It can be done on a rainy day and doesn’t take long.

Old toiletries can give you an infection, which isn’t what you want when the sunshine calls. Old makeup is also behind infections. Sunglasses may hide the eye infection, but it is better to prevent it in the first place.

Medicines; prescription, over the counter and home remedies all have expiry dates. Click pharmacy can help you restock any medication past its use-by date. Old medicines need to be disposed off safely with a pharmacy. The very Important advice especially under the pandemic crisis during covid19 online pharmacies has make it easier for you to deliver medicines at your door step.

Under the appliances.

This is something that is often ignored outside of the spring clean. Getting the crumbs from underneath the appliances is just as important in summer, if not more so, if only due to the insects. Have someone help you move the fridge out or lift the sofa and give both areas a good sweep or vacuum and mop or add carpet freshener. This not only prevents ants from taking up residence inside your home but also makes it smell fresh.

Outdoor Cleaning.

The patio and windows need to be cleaned before the BBQ comes out. Dirt and grime build up over the autumn, winter and spring. Now, these areas are in use again, and they need a good power wash. A window or baseboard cleaner can be hired if you can’t do this yourself. Once the patio is ready, the outdoor furniture and BBQ can come out of storage. Specialist cleaning products are available for both.

Seasonal cleaning, rather than saving it all for spring, offers a more inviting home and it makes cleaning much easier. It doesn’t allow grime and unknown substances to build up and makes the daily and weekly cleans run smoother so you can get back outside and enjoy the most of the sun.

You find different cleaning products and tools in cleaning-supply specialist shops. Even with a lockdown, you can still get your supplies when you shop online. Quality tools and products are essential to get the best results while saving time and energy.