10 Tips for Running Safely on the Road

Running is a great form of exercise. But it can also be very dangerous when you do it on the road. In the last decade, the number of pedestrians killed by drivers in the US increased by 45%! And in 2019, the number killed reached a shocking 6,237.

If you’re ever hit by a car while running, call 911 immediately to get medical help and a police officer to write up a report. Then, make sure to call an experienced auto accident attorney. They can help make sure you get the compensation from the driver that you deserve.

But of course, it’s best to avoid becoming a victim of a car accident altogether. To do that, follow these important safety guidelines whenever running on the road:

1. Make yourself visible.

Never assume that drivers can see you. Many don’t watch for runners as they should, so it’s up to you to make yourself known.

Wear bright colors and try to make eye contact with oncoming drivers when possible. You might even make a friendly wave to get their attention.

And if you’re out when it’s dark, wear reflective gear. You could also wear a headlamp or a flashlight clipped to your clothing. Anything to make you more visible in the dark.

2. Use all your senses.

If it’s bright outside, wear sunglasses to make it easier to see traffic. You don’t want to get blinded by the sun and not be able to see what’s in front of you.

And try to leave your earphones at home. Or at least always keep one ear free. That way, you can stay alert by hearing your surroundings.

3. Run on sidewalks.

Sidewalks were made for a reason. Use them wherever they are available to keep out of the road as much as possible. In some states, it may even be illegal not to run on the sidewalk.

4. Run against traffic.

By running against traffic, you can better see oncoming vehicles. That way, you have more time to dodge any if one veers too close or off-course.

In fact, one study showed that running against traffic helped decrease pedestrian industries by 77%. And in some states, facing oncoming traffic may even be required by law.

5. Be careful around hills and curves.

Everyone knows that it can be hard to see around a tight curve or a steep hill. If you can’t see very far ahead, you need to take extra caution. Cross to the other side of the road if it gives you a better angle to see.

6. Be smart when crossing streets.

Speaking of crossing the street, be smart. Use a crosswalk whenever possible and always look both ways before crossing. It may sound obvious, but it could save your life!

7. Carry a phone and an ID.

Have your phone on you so that you can call or text for help in an emergency. If you get hit by a car and need medical attention, for example, having a phone allows you to call 911 and get an ambulance to you quickly.

You also want to carry an ID, so that people can identify who you are if you are left unconscious (or even dead).

8. Run with others.

There is safety in numbers. If you run with someone else, you’re more likely to be seen by drivers and to get help faster in an accident.

But when running on the road in a group, make sure to run single-file. This helps you avoid getting hit by keeping you further away from traffic.

9. Let someone know you are running.

Anytime you go out for a run, you should tell someone beforehand where you will be running. That way, they know where to look for you if you don’t return for any reason.

10. Run defensively.

Finally, always run defensively. That means reacting to your surroundings. Remember, many drivers don’t pay as good attention to runners as they should. And if they don’t, they might accidentally drive in your path. In such situations, you want to be alert so that you can react fast and get out of the way if necessary.