9 Things To Know If You’re Considering Aesthetic Treatments

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But how people see themselves contributes significantly to their decision to undergo surgical or non-surgical aesthetic treatments.   

Cosmetic treatments remain in demand, especially in the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), despite the lockdowns in 2020, plastic surgery procedures reached 2.3 million in the country. 

Various technologies in the beauty enhancement industry have made it easier to enhance and fix certain areas in the body. But there’s more to a procedure than showing up at the clinic, getting work done, and achieving the look you’ve always wanted.

Below are some important points to consider before undergoing any aesthetic procedure.         

1. Decide On The Parts To Enhance

Before going to cosmetic clinics like Rfp.healthcare, you must have a clear idea of the look you want and the expected outcome of the procedure. 

For instance, if you wanted a slimmer alar tip, you’d have it trimmed by a cosmetic surgeon. Similarly, if you wanted to have extra layers of fat removed, you could choose from several fat-removing procedures—whether non-invasive, minimally-invasive, to surgical. 

Your doctor or therapist will be able to guide you to the best choice, depending on the part you want to enhance.     

2. Consider All Your Options 

Medically known as rhinoplasty, a nose job remains one of the top cosmetic procedures. In fact, an ASPS 2020 survey revealed that a nose job is the most sought-after cosmetic surgical treatment in the US, with 352,555 operations completed within that year.   

With the current technological advances, though, there’s a vast range of aesthetic treatments to choose from. If you’re afraid to go under the knife, discuss with your therapist the most ideal, non-invasive beauty option to achieve the look you want. Injectable treatments, such as nose fillers, are often used as a great alternative to nose implants, for instance.   

3. Hire A Reputable Surgeon Or Therapist    

Even non-invasive beauty treatments, if done wrong, could ruin your life. Some skin treatments, for example, can damage your skin, especially if you have a high sensitivity. These situations are the exception rather than the rule.   

When it comes to invasive beauty treatments, the internet is rife with horror stories about botched cosmetic surgeries, usually performed by unqualified or non-licensed medical practitioners. 

Plastic surgeries must be done only by licensed and seasoned medical practitioners. You shouldn’t have any procedure done by an unqualified person. Perform due diligence by checking what previous clients have to say about your chosen practitioner. Ask your friends for referrals, too.  

Besides the qualifications, you also need to trust your ‘gut.’ Ask as many questions as you can about the procedure—how it’s done, the pros and cons, pre- and post-surgery or treatment measures, and so on.   

4. Check The Safety Of The Product And The Treatment  

Exert some effort on your part and dig through online and offline resources. Find out if the procedure you’re planning to get has a high efficacy rating based on clinical studies and research. When talking to the clinic staff, ask for before and after photos. Do ask for the specific brand names of the fillers, implants, or machines that they use, so you’ll have an idea if these products are highly-rated, or have been recalled by the Food and Drug Administration for safety issues. 

It can be challenging, however, to get the name and contact details of previous clients, so checking references may be out of the question.       

5. Find Out If The Results Are Temporary Or Permanent    

Often, invasive cosmetic procedures have lasting results, while non-invasive to minimally invasive treatments offer temporary results. 

For instance, a breast implant is going to increase your chest size for a lifetime. Inversely, nose fillers could last for an average of two years, and after which, you have the option to have another treatment done.         

6. Know The Risks And Complications

Like any surgical procedure, there are risks attached to invasive cosmetic treatments. If post-operative wound care is not properly done, the patient may be susceptible to infection. Similarly, excessive bleeding could occur. One of the best ways to prevent complications is to follow your doctor’s orders on how to care for your incisions. It also helps to avoid engaging in contact sports to protect the surgery site. 

One risk that most prospective patients fail to consider, is the possibility that they may not get the results they were hoping for, especially when it comes to facial surgery. Even some of the most famous Hollywood stars have regretted undergoing cosmetic procedures.         

7. Ask About The Downtime

This is one of the main concerns for working individuals. Surgical procedures like breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and liposuction, take a few hours to get done. Additionally, doctors often require you to spend the night at a hotel. For a faster recovery process, taking one to two weeks off from work is advised. 

Minimally-invasive procedures, on the other hand, such as botulinum toxin (Botox) injections or fillers, are done in less than an hour, and patients can get back to work as soon as they leave the doctor’s clinic.  

8. Prepare Yourself Financially

When searching for surgical procedure costs, ask if there are extra costs involved. For instance, some doctors have partnerships with accommodations like hotels where you can stay after your procedure. This may or may not be included in the surgery package costs, thus, ask the clinic staff clearly about the cost inclusions.     

Beauty treatments like facial dermabrasion and fat freezing are often done in several sessions. If you want to achieve the best results, prepare your pockets for more expenses after your initial session.   

9. Choose The Right People To Inform

The effects of some beauty treatments take time to show, so your family members, friends, and colleagues, may notice the changes gradually. Surgical procedures, however, result in significant changes to your appearance—and you can’t deny going under the knife, even to your neighbors. 

You may be in the opinion that you don’t owe anyone an explanation, and nothing could be truer than this. However, you may need to inform your family members and close friends so they can support you throughout the process.     

The Bottom Line

If you’re considering aesthetic surgery or treatment, look past the costs and check for the potential risks involved. In the cosmetic industry, you get what you pay for, as with other things.

So, don’t jump at the opportunity for cheap beauty enhancement deals, especially if it’s done outside of the country. Ultimately, choose health and safety over beauty, and consider them your most important assets.