Breast Augmentation: Essential Things You Need to Know

Breast augmentation is one of the common cosmetic surgeries in North America. However, the decision to undergo the procedure can be challenging. Considering the recovery time and the cost of the surgery, it means you shouldn’t take it lightly.

Thinking of undergoing this procedure? 

If so, chances are you’re looking for more information about the breast enhancement surgery. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place because this quick guide outlines essential insights you need to know about breast augmentation surgery options.

Read on to discover more.

Understanding Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (also called augmentation mammoplasty) is a procedure to enhance one’s breasts size. Typically, your surgeon will use implants to increase the size and finesse shape, projection, and fullness.

So, why do women consider breast augmentation?

Here are common reasons:

• Improving physical appearance by augmenting naturally small breasts

• Enhance breast size after breastfeeding or pregnancy

• Modify uneven breasts because of surgery or other conditions

• Breast reconstruction after mastectomy or another breast procedure

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery may take up to eight weeks. This may depend on your overall health and how you heal. Everyone is unique, so your surgeon will advise according to your specific circumstances.

What You Can Expect During the Breast Augmentation Consultation

Before undergoing the breast augmentation procedure, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with your surgeon. You’ll want to prepare for this consultation by evaluating what you intend to achieve with the surgery.

Note that you should seek improvement but not perfection. You also want to ensure your physical and mental health is okay and make your expectations realistic.

Your surgeon will need to know your medical history and will be concerned with several things, such as:

• Prior surgeries

• Your smoking history

• Any allergies you might have

• The medication you’re taking

• Any previous breast issues, including your family breast issues history, previous mammograms, and lumps

What You Can Expect After the Procedure

After your breast augmentation surgery, you can expect soreness and bruises, but this will fade with time. You may consider wearing a sports bra or compression bandage to help position and support the breast implants as you heal. Your professional may also recommend pain medication.

It’s vital to stick to your surgeon’s instructions when it comes to returning to your daily activities. Even if your job isn’t physically demanding, it can take you a few weeks before returning to work fully. You want to avoid physical activities that could increase your blood pressure or pulse for at least two weeks.

Note that your breasts will be sensitive to jarring or physical contact as you heal. If the surgeon placed drainage tubes or sutures that don’t absorb, they would be removed during a follow-up appointment.

If you have a fever or your breasts develop redness and warmth after the surgery, it could be an infection. In such a situation, call your surgeon as soon as possible.

Are You Considering Breast Augmentation?

If so, you are not alone. This is a popular option to achieve your desired breast size. During the initial consultation, your surgeon will inform you whether you qualify as a candidate.