Career Changes You Can Work Around Your Life

If there’s one thing lockdown has taught us, it’s how valuable spending time with loved ones is. So many people across the country are now thinking of how to change their career so it’s not taking over their whole life. If you want to make adjustments so your job can work for you, allowing you to focus on what’s important, then why not consider a few of these changes?

Try Freelancing

Taking the leap into full-time freelancing isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. You need to weigh up the pros and cons, which mainly revolve around flexibility versus irregular pay. Once you figure out a way of freelancing that can work for you, one of the most important things you need to do is start building a base of clients. This is the case for any industry: from hairdressing to writing. You’ll also need to make sure you’ve got all the equipment you need to get the job done. For those in the beauty industry, salon suppliers can be your best friend.

Get Others Involved

Just like having an exercise buddy can make you more accountable for your workout routine, the same can be said for your working life. Talk to people about making a change, get different ideas, and actually make something happen. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to those in the industry you’re interested in exploring. The more connections you make, the more network opportunities you have. 

Be Specific

It’s all well and good saying you want to make some career changes, but you need to know how you’re going to implement them. Setting yourself a SMART goal can help you achieve real change. Figure out the specific thing you want to achieve. Measure your progress. How attainable is it and do you need to break it down into smaller steps? How relevant is it? Finally, what is your time frame? By asking yourself these questions you can come out with a solid plan.

Never Too Late

No matter how old you are, it’s never too late for a career change. In fact, being older can come with its advantages as you have so much experience. Focus on elements you enjoy from your current job and apply it to an industry you’re interested in. Your age isn’t an excuse.

Creating a new career path or moving in a new direction can be daunting, but also exciting. What ways would you like to change your current career?