Is CBD Oil Beneficial For Horses With Cribbing Issues?

Cannabidiol has been clinically proven to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety when interacting with a mammal’s endocannabinoid system. All mammals of each species has a similar system, including the magnificent horse.

Anecdotal studies show positive results across the board for humans, domestic pets, and farm animals like the equine in decreasing behavioral disturbances, mood disorders, and anxieties. For horses this includes curbing behaviors like cribbing. Find out the effects CBD has with animals at this link.

The Effects Of Cribbing For Horses

A horse experiencing cribbing will often grab something solid using the top teeth like a stall door, a fence post, or pail, with the neck arched while inhaling gasps of air, which sounds like “gulping” or “belching.” The behavior results in a sort of “head rush” or euphoria for the animal almost like a “high.”

Some equine can achieve the action without attaching their teeth to anything. But those who do grab on to surfaces can do damage with the repetitive scraping. It shouldn’t be confused with biting or chewing.

Researchers feel animals who engage in this sort of obsessive activity could be attempting to relieve anxiety or potentially physical ailments. Common causes associated with cribbing include:

  • Excess energy
  • Boredom
  • Deficiency in nutrition
  • Nerves
  • Stress

Horses are known to stop eating due to the addiction they develop from the euphoric sensation. These animals become malnourished, lose substantial weight, or develop poor capacity in performing.

Preventing The Behavior Before It Starts

The ideal method for preventing a horse from developing the need to crib is to decrease the likelihood for anxiety or boredom as much as possible. Horses enjoy their time in the pasture, and they’re very social, meaning interaction with other equines can relieve episodes of stress. If there aren’t other horses around, mingling with all animals can be enjoyable for ponies.

Physical and mental stimulation is crucial for any species. In order to burn excess energy, regular exercise should be incorporated into the daily routine, along with activities meant to challenge the mind. It’s also important to try to get to the root of instances that may be contributing to episodes of anxiety with an attempt to resolve the cause.

The recommendation for a horse who has already started to crib is to take grain out of the diet but offer plenty of roughage throughout the course of the day. Another suggestion is to make the surfaces where the animal is scraping undesirable by applying a substance like cayenne pepper or using paint boards.

CBD Oil For The Stressed Horse

If your horse’s stress doesn’t correlate to a physical impairment, but relates to an anxiety disorder, cannabidiol has shown benefits in reducing symptoms associated with stress. It is a non-psychoactive, nontoxic, organic compound that can be given safely to a horse on a regular basis without fear of side effects.

Products designed specially for this species (check this horse page out) are not sedating nor do they create a sluggish effect allowing the equine who perform to do so effectively. The compound merely relaxes the animal, bringing a sense of calm where there was nervousness. The substance allows peaceful rest and proper slumber in cases where there may have been an inability to fall asleep.

In decreasing anxiety, and with proper physical and mental stimulation, the horse might have less likelihood for developing the cribbing habit. You should always make sure to have a vet following the animal. A medical provider is an ideal resource for suggestions on behavioral conditioning.

Final Thought

Once cribbing begins, it’s not something that can be cured. But through incorporating certain modifications to the animal’s lifestyle, it is possible to manage the habit for the pony’s greater good.

There is debate whether you should use “cribbing collars” as a resolution to the problem. Helping an animal in a natural, healthy, organic, safe way like through the use of CBD oil is optimum when attempting to solve issues related to stress, anxiety, behavioral changes, mental disorders. This link provides everything you need to know concerning CBD and horses.

 It’s not clear why someone would want to add more stress, fear, anxiety, tension by inflicting undue constraints and potential pain to a horse. But there are proponents who see a different take and might be able to shed some light on what benefit a collar might serve.