Cannabidiol (commonly called CBD) is a substance found in cannabis plants. It has been shown to have significant pain-relieving properties without the psychoactive effects of THC.
According to reports, the cannabidiol market size surpassed $7.1 billion in 2020. Obviously, with this much money being made, there are some benefits to using CBD for dogs with cancer.
Pets have been used in research surrounding the effectiveness of CBD oil for pain relief. A study was conducted on mice to find the efficacy of CBD oil as an anti-inflammatory and whether or not it had any adverse side effects on healthy subjects versus subjects with tumors. They found that CBD oil was more effective at treating inflammation in tumor-ridden subjects than in healthy subjects.
CBD oil may have multiple benefits for dogs with cancer, including relieving pain and restoring appetite. The following article will explain how dogs get affected by cancer, the symptoms, and the benefits of CBD for dogs with cancer.
Chapter Overview
Dogs With Cancer-How Does it Affect?
Cancer in dogs can be classified into two categories: lymphoma and carcinoma. Both types of cancer attack specific components of the dog’s immune system.
Carcinomas affect the cells in the tissues that make up a dog’s organs and structures such as skin, bone, and muscle (also known as “solid tumors”), while lymphomas attack cells in the immune system (such as white blood cells) and other structures composed of fluid.
Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs.
1)Loss of Appetite
Cancer can make dogs feel sick, and they may not want to eat. Loss of appetite is a significant indicator that something might be wrong.
Lethargy is a significant symptom of cancer in dogs. It can be challenging to get them to play, move around, or engage with family members.
3)Weight loss
Dogs lose weight because they don’t have the same appetite as before, and their bodies absorb fewer nutrients from food. It can be difficult to notice weight loss in dogs because it can happen slowly.
4)Increased Water Intake
Due to the painfulness of cancer, dogs may drink more water to relieve their pain and help with nausea temporarily.
5)Bad Breath and Foul Odor from the Body
Foul odors coming from the body are often indicators of internal inflammation. It’s essential to take note of the smell and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.
6)Ulcers on Skin or Mouth
Cancer often affects a dog’s organs, affecting its ability to absorb nutrients from food. Dogs with cancer may develop ulcers on certain parts of their body, such as the mouth or skin.
CBD for Dogs With Cancer-Benefits
Therapeutic effects of CBD for dogs with cancer are shown to work on cancerous cells, preventing their reproduction. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can relieve pain and reduce the size of tumors.
One study indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) oil has been known to cause apoptosis in breast cancer cells, which is one of the most common cancers in dogs.
One study shows that CBD oil has significant anti-cancer properties. A group of mice was given a dose of CBD oil orally at 500 mg/kg for five days consecutively. A control group was studied without being administered any CBD oil. The tumor-ridden mice administered with CBD oil had reduced tumor volumes and experienced less weight loss. The study also shows no adverse effects in mice who did not have tumors or experience adverse side effects.
Ways to Administer CBD to Dogs
1)CBD Oil
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the four most common cannabinoids in cannabis plants. CBD oil comes from the resinous trichomes that coat mature cannabis plants.
Tinctures are used to extract organic compounds and elements out of plant material. It can be given to dogs orally.
3)Dogs Treats/Biscuits
CBD dog biscuits provide an easy and convenient way to give CBD to dogs. It can be delivered directly or put inside the food.
4)Topical Application (Oil & Cream Formulations)
Pet owners who prefer non-invasive application methods may opt for CBD oil or cream formulations. It can be administered to the skin of dogs.
5)Vapor Inhalation
CBD dog vaporizers give pet owners a discreet and fast way to administer CBD to their dogs without causing any discomfort. Studies show that it has been found more effective than other methods in relieving pain, including arthritis.
6)Capsules and Pills for Dogs
CBD capsules and pills can also help provide therapeutic relief to dogs with cancer. It can be given to dogs orally through the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of side effects.
How To Calculate The Dosage?
Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the dosage that can give CBD oil or other types of cannabinoids to dogs.
The CBD dosage for dogs depends on the method used in administering it and the dog’s weight, breed, age, health condition, and medical history.
A veterinarian who specializes in cannabis treatment for pets may be able to help you determine the proper dosage amount. Veterinarians can also advise on product safety and efficacy.
It’s important to note that dogs may develop a tolerance for CBD oil after long-term exposure, requiring an increase in dose. You should consult your veterinarian before increasing or starting a course of CBD treatment.
CBD Oil Dosage
It is more cost-effective to use CBD oil drops from a dropper. It gives more control over the dosage.
CBD oil dosage can be given to dogs orally through the digestive tract, giving them a boost of energy and pain relief. Using CBD oil drops allows pet owners to provide their dog’s accurate doses daily.
To administer CBD drops, place the recommended number of drops directly into your dog’s mouth or mix it with food. You can get CBD oil online or at your local dispensary.
Tincture Dosage
CBD tinctures are applied to the gums and under the tongue using a dropper. It is often more potent than CBD oil.
Tinctures are placed underneath the pet’s tongue for faster absorption in the mouth. You can purchase CBD tinctures online or at your local dispensary.
CBD Dog Treats Dosage
One of the effective methods of administering CBD to dogs is dog treats. It has generally less concentrated CBD than CBD oil and tinctures.
CBD dog treats can be given orally or hidden inside the food. It’s important to note that the dosage for CBD dog treat is not as accurate as other methods because you cannot accurately control how much your dog ingests.