Dressing in Style When Pregnant

Pregnancy tends to reduce one’s clothing options to anything comfortable and barely presentable. Most women just don’t see how they can dress in style and keep their wardrobe updated when pregnant. Well it is, in fact, possible to dress stylishly while also being comfortable and keeping your baby bump safe (not that your clothes can actually endanger the baby unless they are too tight or some special factors are in play.) Here are a few tips to help you avoid the glorified sack of a dress and wear your bump in style:


Picture this: walking down the street and meeting a heavily pregnant mama in a somewhat oversized shirt that may be slightly hanging over her belly. She is probably also wearing some loose pants and casual rubbers or sneakers while placing one hand over the bump and holding her waist with the other.

This is not hard to imagine, seeing as it is a ubiquitous sight in the streets, grocery stores, drug store and basically everywhere else. Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with wearing what makes you feel comfortable and going wherever you want. Honestly, though, this look may make it seem like you are barely surviving the pregnancy and any aspiring mother who sees this may reconsider conceiving. How about stepping out with some style to outline your glow and make others just envy you?


For the first few months, most of your pre-maternity clothes will fit you just fine. This is really not the time to experiment on new styles; you may want to be you as much as possible so that you are not overwhelmed with dressing up and buying so many new clothes that you won’t even need after giving birth. You could save up this money for other essential items such as baby bassinets and decorating the newborn’s nursery.

Dig into your closet and find some of your free-flowing dresses. Dresses are a great choice because they can comfortably accommodate the changes your body will be going through and still stay in great shape. These can go well with low-pressure shoes like flats and a matching hat for a sunny day.

Some of your pants can also be useful, especially those that can stretch freely around the waist. You may need to get a few more shirts if the ones you have already do not fit. The point is to keep your style instead of trying out a new one. It will help you feel more like yourself in a time when the physical and emotional changes may make you feel or think otherwise.


This is not only a great way to put on some official style but also a smart trick to help you save money on maternity clothes.

Your partner’s shirts will look great for the office when worn properly. You can button up and tuck the shirt in if you are going for a high-waist pair of pants. If your bump doesn’t let you button up, try getting a t-shirt that is not too tight. You can then wear the shirt on top of it but without buttoning up. This look is excellent if you are still working in an office. Be sure to return the shirts, though.


As mentioned earlier, dresses are fabulous because of their flexibility. You can wear one when pregnant and also rock it differently after birth for the same great look. Stretchy dresses are particularly ideal because of the way they allow your bump to pop without restricting it or making you feel uncomfortable. They can also be worn in various contexts from the office to a dinner or evening date. These can also be styled to match accessories post-maternity such as the baby bag or their stroller. Dresses are your best friends.


Remember that your comfort comes before style. If you over-accessorize, you’ll be caught up in the struggle of keeping things together without any real focus on what you are doing. Let your clothes do the talking for you. While you are at it, avoid overdressing and cloth patterns that make your bump stick out like a sore thumb. It would be nice to try solid colours and simple patterns without conspicuous lines and cuts. You can add something bold to it like a scarf with some colour and some little jewellery. It is avoidable to stay away from heavy stuff like weighted earrings, dense and tight necklaces and too many bracelets.

In conclusion, you don’t have to ditch your style when your baby bump starts growing. There are so many ways you can look great while still being comfortable. The best part is that you can keep your styles and spice it up more in all contexts, regardless of how heavily pregnant you are. It is, however, vital that you try to avoid overspending on maternity clothes since you won’t be wearing most of them again after giving birth. Above all, remember that your comfort is more important than style. All the best!