It is not only about the big changes, but the small daily habits that we have can also help make a positive impact on the environment. We are all aware of the impact that we as humans are having on the environment. Here are some small tips that you can do daily to help the environment.
Chapter Overview
1. Save Water
Take a short instead of having a bath in a full tub. A very short shower saves the most water. If you are feeling like a bath then only partially fill the bath. This does take less water than a long shower, just don’t fill the bath too high because then a short shower is a better idea.
Close the tap while brushing your teeth. Install water-saving faucets and showerheads. Water is a scarce resource and we need to conserve it in our daily routines.
Wash only full loads of laundry. Also, wait for a full load before starting your dishwasher. Both of these tips can save a lot of water every day. If you live alone then buying smaller dishwashers or washing machines will also help as your loads will tend to be smaller. Some machines also have water and electricity-saving cycles that are worth using.
Check for leaks. Make sure no taps are leaking. Also, check toilets in your home for leaky valves. You don’t want water to go down the drain.
Water your garden in the late afternoon or early morning when it is cool. This helps that the water won’t simply evaporate. Don’t water your lawn when it is not needed.
Plant hardy endemic plants that don’t require a lot of water. This also goes for your lawn. Choose a species of grass that needs less water. When watering your lawn rather deep soak fewer times a week than just sprinkle every day.
2. Save Electricity and Energy Usage Overall
Set your thermostat in summer just a couple of degrees higher and in winter a few degrees lower. This will make a big difference in your energy usage. Make sure your HVAC unit is not running unnecessarily when no one is home.
Turns lights off when not needed. You can also install timers and motion sensors to help with managing lights and not wasting electricity. Switching from a desktop computer to a laptop will also save electricity.
Check that your home is insulated properly and all windows and doors seal properly. Any heat that escapes in winter or heat that can enter in summer will increase your HVAC energy usage. You will also save on your utility bill.
3. Use Natural Toiletries and Beauty Products
There are great options for natural beauty products that will help the environment. Look for bamboo toothbrushes, earbuds with no plastic, reusable makeup remover pads, and natural consumables. Pacific Spirit manufactures all-natural shampoo bars. To complement this buy some all-natural soap as well. Remember to check that the packaging is biodegradable or recycled.
4. Use Reusable Shopping Bags and Limit Packaging
Take your reusable shopping bags to the grocery store when shopping. Don’t use disposable bags, especially plastic ones. Reusable shopping bags last a long time and the only trick is to remember to take them along. The best is to put them back in your car or backpack as soon as you have unpacked the groceries at home.
5. Support Carbon Neutral and Natural Brands
When you have a choice of brands when selecting a product to buy do some research. Check if the company’s ethics align with your values. See if one of the products is manufactured by a carbon-neutral or natural brand. Just making these small daily changes and supporting responsible companies can make a big difference to our future and environment.
6. Use Less Fuel
Try to carpool or communicate with a bicycle whenever possible. Driving alone in a car is a very inefficient way of getting to where you need to be. If you drive to work every day, maybe start by picking one day of the week to take your bike, carpool, or take public transport. Public transport is also better as moving a lot of people together is better on fuel consumption than moving individuals in their cars.
7. Shop Local Products and Brands
Transporting products halfway around the world uses a lot of energy and fuel. If you support local brands and manufacturers it is better for the environment. Shop local and keep it green. Supporting smaller and local companies is also great for your town or city as well as the local economy.
8. Don’t Fall for Fast Fashion
Pick items that will be in style for a long time. Support brands that make clothing last and won’t go out of fashion as the seasons change. Brands like Patagonia are great as they are focused on environmentally friendly clothing that lasts.
Small changes every day can ensure a better environment every day as well as for our children. Get into the habit of making these small changes that will add up when we all do them every day. Help make the world a better place by establishing small daily habits.