From Acne to Wrinkle Treatments: 5 Therapeutic Effects CBD Oil Has on Your Skin

Individuals use CBD oil for pain relief, the management of anxiety and depression, and the alleviation of symptoms related to cancer and its accompanying treatment. Today, several manufacturers incorporate CBD oil into skincare products to treat wrinkles, acne, and more. Do these products offer benefits or is this a marketing hype? Consumers need this information before spending money on items that won’t work or produce the desired benefits.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD comes from marijuana or hemp plants but differs from the psychoactive substance most men and women are familiar with. Manufacturers extract CBD as a powder and mix it with an oil, such as olive, coconut, or hemp oil, to enhance the effectiveness and application of their product. This explains the name CBD oil that people hear everywhere they go now, and many look to cbd oils from Pure Relief when they need relief from various conditions.

The Therapeutic Benefits of CBD Oil

The use of CBD in skincare products doesn’t lead to the high many associated with anything related to marijuana. It doesn’t produce the mind-altering properties seen with THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, a substance that also comes from marijuana plants. Manufacturers extract the CBD from the leaves and flowers of a hemp plant, and these portions of the plant contain very little THC. In many cases, testing equipment cannot detect the THC in these plant components, as it is so minimal.

Consumers must know CBD oil also differs from hemp seed oil, another substance found in many skincare products today. While manufacturers frequently market products using these terms interchangeably, CBD oil contains a high concentration of cannabidiol. Hemp seed oil, in contrast, contains only trace amounts of this substance, if it has any at all.

When comparing skincare products, consumers should look for cannabidiol on the ingredient label. This FDA-regulated name comes from the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients or INCI labeling, so consumers know exactly what they get when purchasing the product. If the label displays other names, such as CBD-enriched oil, don’t assume it contains cannabidiol, as it may lack this substance. Ask for the assay or product specification provided by the company if any doubt remains regarding the ingredients found in the product.

CBD Oil for the Treatment of Acne

Individuals suffer from acne due to inflammation of the skin, as research consistently shows. Multiple factors play a role in acne outbreaks, but one thing remains true of all outbreaks. Anything a person applies to the skin to reduce this inflammation and soothe the skin likely helps to minimize breakouts, especially the redness associated with this common skin condition. CBD oil soothes the skin.

Researchers looking into the benefits of CBD oil found that the oil offers anti-inflammatory benefits when directly applied to the skin. Manufacturers recognize this and include the oil in products designed for acne-prone skin, including skincare products. The claiming effects of the oil help the skin look and feel better, which allows the individual to look and feel better too.

The Reduction of Sebum Production

Furthermore, researchers studying the benefits of CBD oil for skin conditions found that this substance comes with the potential to decrease the excessive production of sebum or oil present in the facial skin. They believe this benefit possibly comes from the oil’s ability to balance the flow of oil in the skin.

However, scientists continue to study the benefits of CBD oil to get more conclusive scientific results before definitively stating CBD oil is of help with acne and sebum production.

CBD Oil and Its Effect on Wrinkles and Anti-Aging

As with many substances that come from plants, CBD oil comes with antioxidant properties. The antioxidants found in CBD oil reduce the visible signs of aging when used topically. They counteract free-radical damage while minimizing the signs of inflammation, which allow them to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, ruddy skin, and dullness. Many products claim they include antioxidants for this purpose, with CBD being only one antioxidant available today, and consumers must conduct research and try different products to determine which works best for their needs. Many men and women purchase a product containing numerous antioxidants to get the best results.

Treating Sensitive Skin with CBD Oil

The soothing properties of CBD oil benefits individuals with sensitive skin. The oil normalizes the skin, which helps those with skin sensitivity. This includes reactivity and redness. Environmental stressors affect the skin daily, and the oil helps minimize any reaction of the skin in response to these stressors.

Finding the Right Products

Consumers question which product they should buy for their needs. As mentioned above, read the product label to see if cannabidiol appears on the list. If it doesn’t, choose another product. See if the manufacturer provides information on the total cannabidiol content, which they list in milligrams or peruse. This suggests the product is legitimate. However, experts have yet to come to a consensus regarding how much CBD oil is needed per application. They know the skin contains receptor sites for cannabidiol that interrupt signals responsible for the different skin conditions but continue to study the amount needed to achieve this goal.

Request evidence of third-party verification of the purity and stated CBD amount in the product, and purchase products in stable packaging. Clear bottles and jars expose the plant ingredients to air or light, and this reduces the effectiveness of the oil. When reading labels, look for “full-spectrum”, “isolate”, or “broad spectrum”. While none of these terms are regulated, they offer consumers a way to differentiate between different products.

Isolate refers to the purity of the oil. This product contains no additional cannabinoids or other naturally occurring substances such as terpenes. Full-spectrum CBD refers to a product containing everything found in the hemp plant along with the CBD. This includes trace amounts of cannabinoids, including THC and CBG along with antioxidant compounds. Products claiming to be broad-spectrum CBD contain no detectable THC. As trace amounts occur in full-spectrum CBD, manufacturers needed to distinguish between the two. Full-spectrum CBD may contain THC, but it must be below 0.3 percent or it will be considered active.

CBD oil, when properly extracted, offers benefits for the skin. Research continues in this area, but consumers can purchase with confidence, as everything learned to this date has been positive regarding skincare products containing this substance.