Getting a Non-Surgical Butt Lift

If theres one certainty in life, its getting older! And as we grow older, so our body starts to show signs of age. Those wrinkles on the face, sagging skin on your arms and neck, dark areas under your eyes and thinning of hair – its all part of the ageing process. Then theres your butt, a body part that you want to stay shapely and trim for as long as possible, but that seems to have its own ideas about where its going.

Whats the answer? Cosmetic surgery has been a choice for many women – and increasingly men – for a long time. The face-lift, nose job, breast augmentation and butt lift are all common procedures that provide great results. But not all of us want to go under the knife. Thats why were here to talk about the non-surgical butt lift, what it is and how it works, and whether or not it is the answer to your problems. 

What is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift? 

A non-surgical butt lift is as it says: a procedure to restore shape and firmness to the buttocks, but without the need to undergo surgery. Well explain how it works below, but if you have heard of dermal fillers you will have an idea of what the procedure entails.

Many people have regular dermal filler treatment in the facial area as an alternative to Botox. The fillers are delivered by a needle with the patient having undergone a localized anaesthetic. Youll find more about dermal fillers explained here and its worth a read. What do you need to know about the procedure for using similar fillers in the buttocks? Lets look at how the procedure works and the benefits of a non-surgical butt lift.

How Does it Work? 

The non-surgical butt lift can be performed in around an hour.  Thats from the patient arriving at the clinic to leaving. The procedure itself should take no more than half an hour. The patient is given an anaesthetic in the area concerned, and this is given a few minutes to numb the buttocks. Then, a small amount of the dermal filler will be injected into the buttocks. The procedure is sometimes performed once, other time up to three visits may be needed for the best effects.

After the procedure is completed – and that is all there is to it – the fillers start to work. The injected substance performs three main functions: fills the area that was sagging to give a better overall look; stimulates collagen production which enhances the skin and the muscles; and reduces cellulite in the buttock area. The result is a firmer and smoother – and younger – look to the buttocks without any invasive surgery.

This procedure attaches little to no risk as it has been tried and tested and is a commonplace routine. The full results will be seen in around 3 months minimum, sometimes more. The results can last as long as two years, and the non-surgical butt lift can be performed again. Its a great way of having neat and firm buttocks for longer. 

Should I Have a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

If you are currently considering cosmetic surgery on your buttocks for a younger look we recommend you look more closely at this method. It is not expensive, safe and non-invasive, and can genuinely be performed in your lunch break! Theres no concern about anything other than the local anaesthetic which is simply to numb the treated area, and there is nothing to worry about in terms of recovery. If you want firmer buttocks, talk to the experts now and see how this procedure can help you look young again.