Superstars, athletes and the rich slow down aging with somatropin
Growth hormone is gaining popularity among beauty advocates and anti-aging advocates.
Somatropin (the so-called growth hormone) is the means by which many stars, athletes and the rich fight the scars of time. With age, the production of growth hormone in the body decreases and this change has a serious impact on appearance.
Scientists have found a way to synthesize a synthetic variant that is widely used to slow the aging process. The goals of somatropin injection are not limited to resetting the biological clock.
Use of growth hormone
Restores the natural color of the hair, strengthens the hair and promotes its growth. The substance also acts favorably on the skin, smoothes wrinkles.
In addition, it tightens the musculature, normalizes blood sugar, strengthens the immune system and increases energy. There is also a positive influence on sleep, memory and sex life.
Even Though claims related to the positive impact of synthetic somatropin on the body have not yet been officially confirmed by the World Food and Drug Administration, observations suggest that actually growth hormone has a positive impact on the general condition of the body. For more in-depth information about growth hormone we highly recommend this website
Visible changes in the body, as a result of the use of somatropin, occur in each person after a different period of time. Some growth hormone users notice an effect instantly.
In others, changes occur after a few days, and in the third, several months of therapy is needed to make visible progress.
Height growth
Another highly desirable effect of somatropin users in a bottle. However, this is one of the goals that requires the longest therapy.
According to the substance should be taken for a minimum of 16 months in order for visible changes in height to occur. Of course, the preparation of a scheme by which to take growth hormone for this purpose and its duration is strictly individual.
The optimal results that can be expected depend on a person’s age and DNA. If you wish to use growth hormone precisely with the idea of influencing the growth, consultation with a doctor is highly recommended, since a slow path to visible results can prompt the user to overdose with the substance, which in turn can cause serious irreparable damage to the body.
If you exaggerate it with the hormone, the possible side effects may, in addition to temporary discomfort, cause permanent visible and invisible damage.
Overdose take the lead to a change in genotype
Excessive use of somatropin may result in severe hair loss that is significantly more severe than hair loss caused by testosterone-like anabolic androgenic steroids.
It is also possible that changes in the cranial structure and internal organs may occur. In men, the penis is likely to increase enormously.
It is possible for some this is not a disadvantage of the product, but for others it would create insurmountable discomfort.
In order not to harm our health, it is important to know how to properly store and put the growth hormone. This process, of course, would be safest if carried out by a medical practitioner, but for the only ones we will present brief instructions.
Growth hormone can be injected from one to several times a day depending on the goals set.
For people who aim simply general improvement and rejuvenation of the body it is not advisable to take more than 1-2 doses daily.
For professional bodybuilders, doses are between 2-3 times higher, but their health risks also increase.
It is suggested to put the hormone on an empty stomach in the morning or before a workout, but again the condition should be met.
It is not appropriate to place somatropin in the evening, since then the body produces the greatest amount of human growth hormone, and more precisely this happens in the hours between 23 – 02 h.
If the substance is used in this time range, it will suppress the natural reproduction of the hormone, and this in turn impairs the extraction of the maximum of hormone therapy.
Ways to use Growth Hormone
Permitting to the official website of one of the manufacturers of somatropin, depending on the goals of the user of the product, the possible schemes for hormone administration are the following:
- For general improvement of the body, beneficial effects on the skin and a slight reduction in fat – 2 times a day
- For more energy, activating fat metabolism and improving sleep quality – 3 times a day
- To speed up fat metabolism and metabolism, visible increase in muscle mass – 4 times a day
- In muscular hypertrophy, ie. building extra large muscle mass (a process typical of bodybuilders) – 5 times a day
Another way for professional bodybuilders is to give local injections in areas that need to clear fat.
This is a practice that is most often applied before competitions in order to better shape the body and muscles.
For the precise use of growth hormone no less important than the dosage there is also the method of storage. In order to preserve the longest, it is recommended to keep somatropin in the refrigerator. At room temperature, it lasts only about a week.
For this reason, it is best to carry out deliveries in the winter months or to carry the product in dry ice.
It is also important to note that the hormone should not be injected in its pure form, but diluted. Diluents are of two types – sterile and bacteriostatic water.
Sterile usually goes bundled with the hormone. Dissolved in it, the substance should be used as quickly as possible. There is a contradiction as to whether the product is fit for use within 24 or 48 hours after mixing.
When using bacteriostatic water, the hormone is retained a little longer, since this type of water contains a small amount of acid, which keeps the bonds between molecules stable for about 14 days.
It is essential that mixing is carried out slowly. The water with which you have chosen to mix the hormone should slowly descend on the walls of the vial.
This ensures the preservation of the integrity of the substance. After the water has been drained, the bottle should be shaken gently in light circular motions until the product has dissolved. In no case should you stir strongly!
As already revealed, the duration of therapy depends on the specific purposes and the current state of the user’s body.
Growth hormone is not a magical solution to problems and in no case can instant results be expected.
Although it is possible to observe visible changes in the body very soon after the first injection, it is not appropriate to start a course with somatropin if you do not have the opportunity to take it for at least a few months.
But this is a very expensive pleasure. It is difficult to accurately calculate the means that need to be allocated to therapy.
The price varies greatly depending on the preferred manufacturer company and of course the amount of daily dose you have foreseen.