High End Led Lights and Other Things to Consider When Growing Marijuana Plants

High-end lights is an important factor in Marijuana planting, but it isn’t the only one. Whether this is your first grow or you’re just doing the initial research, make sure to read up on all the important things to consider when growing marijuana plants. The following saves you time and money from being wasted during trial-and-error.

  • Find a reliable seed bank. Everything begins with the right seed. While you can always find cannabis seeds wherever, opting to go to a seed bank guarantees you obtain it from a place that develops cannabis strains and ensure feminized seeds. 

If you’re doing this as a business, finding seed banks also ensures you do not run out of the exact marijuana plants you harvested last time and your consumers now know as yours.

  • Environment is key to proper marijuana plant growth. When choosing the best location for your plant outdoors, you need to ensure your soil is free from harmful elements, the sun goes through your greenhouse, insects are kept off, weeds are removed, and so on. Like any kind of planting, you need to take extra care starting from seedling and then moving forward.
  • Get proper lighting. Those who decide to grow marijuana plants indoors, one of the biggest considerations you’d have to make is lighting. The good news is there are all kinds of affordable and high-end LED lights in the market to choose from. The bad news is that each light would contribute to your power bill, so every LED light you add to your growing area, the bigger your power bill would be. 

Because of this, you need to learn all about alternative lighting and maximize its use so that every kilowatt of power used goes to increasing your harvest and in turn, your earnings.

  • Ventilation and spacing are important. It can be tempting to use all the available space in your grow area for plants, but you have to know that spacing your plants is important for them to be able to breathe. Also add exhaust systems or fans since ventilation ensures the plants wouldn’t be killed off from the heat. 
  • Give the right amount of nutrients. Your marijuana plant would need nutrients as it grows. These include calcium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, carbohydrates, amino acids, and more.
  • Master the art of pruning. One of the secrets of increasing marijuana yield is to prune them properly. This technique helps you remove buds that aren’t growing properly. You’d have to remove lowest branches not only so the nutrients go to buds that are healthier, but also to encourage faster growth and quicker recovery, especially during the vegetation stage. 
  • Don’t be afraid to use gadgets. We live in a world where inventions are introduced to the market almost every day. If you find a device, app, or any modern technology that could help you in growing marijuana, check out reviews online and try them for yourself. Even expert growers experiment with new tools to build the best methods for their company. 
  • Read up on all the stages of marijuana plant growth. Marijuana growing involves several stages from seedling to vegetative to flowering stages. Once your plant moves from one stage to the next, you’ll have to adjust temperature, distance of your lights to the grow box, ventillation, misting, nutrients, and so on. 

While you do have guidelines to help you through these growing stages, it still isn’t an exact science. You might face problems during any of these stages and you’d have to solve those first before continuing with your growing methods. 

The good news is that growing marijuana isn’t illegal in many areas now, so the information online has been multiplying year after year. There’s a good chance someone else has faced your problem and has already shared the solution that worked for them. 

  • Be up-to-date with laws. Every city, state and country has their respective laws when it comes to growing marijuana. It doesn’t matter if you decide to  grow indoors or outdoors, or if you’re growing as a hobby or for commercial purpose – both instances require you follow laws. Make sure you are up-to-date with any laws and follow them religiously. 
  • Network and market continuously. If you plan to sell your harvest, the best way to market your product and company is to continuously network. You don’t really need to join conferences to do this. Simply participating in online groups, building relationships with your seed bank company or other local resources can be a good start to marketing your products. 

Growing marijuana plants can be a legitimate and lucrative business. But to be able to succeed in this endeavor, you have to take the things above to heart and arm yourself with research from growers who have done this before you.