They often say that long lashes are wasted on the young.
It seems that the older we get, the more we wish we had longer and stronger eyelashes.
Putting on fake eyelashes every day can be exhausting. Sometimes, it would be nice to go natural and no worry about it looking like we have no eyelashes at all!
Many girls have weak eyelashes that are short because of the damage that is done from mascara or facial products. It results in the eyelash hair becoming brittle and breaking off, requiring an entirely new hair strand to be grown. Also, girls who constantly touch and rub their eyes are risking breaking off eyelashes before they are naturally ready to fall off.
To grow new lashes, it takes normally between one to two months before the eyelash will be back to standard length.
But not to fear, as there is a range of ways in which you can get longer and stronger eyelashes without having to do anything crazy, and we are here to share all the hacks with you here!
Because every girl deserves to have the lashes of her dreams with no need for those heavy and annoying fake eyelashes.
Chapter Overview
1. Try using olive oil
More than just a healthy and nutritious fat for your diet, olive oil is incredible when it comes to strengthening your eyelashes. This is because olive oil is full of fatty acids that equally hydrate and soften your eyelashes. An easy way to administer olive oil on your lashes is to dip it into the oil using a clean mascara brush and then administer it on. How easy is that!
2. Invest in a good lash serum
Just as there is a serum for your skin, there is also serum for your lashes. Eyelash serum is designed to increase the length of your lashes naturally. While there are a lot of serums to choose from, we always recommend going for the ones with natural organic ingredients!
3. Play around with Vitamin E oil
If it works for the Kardashians, it can work for you too! Vitamin E oil is said to be able to both grow and strengthen lashes and give you the most luscious results. What is better is that this oil is extremely affordable and you can use it for both your lashes and hair! What a bargain lash hack!
4. Brush your lashes
Just like you should be brushing your hair daily to keep your hair long, strong and beautiful, the same principle applies to your eyelashes. You can get a specially made lash comb that is designed to not only instantly make your lashes look longer, but encourage the lashes to grow more as well. It is a crucial tool that most make-up artists always carry with them!
5. Hydrate with coconut oil
Ah, this tropical remedy is good for the skin, hair, and lashes! What is so great about coconut oil is that it is very safe to apply as there is no threat to damaging your eyes. Coconut oil offers your lashes a huge boost of protein that will keep them rooted in and strong. Just like it is recommended to use a clean mascara brush for applying olive oil, it is best to apply the same when it comes to coconut oil.
6. Use prove mascaras
Most girls use mascara every day. So, rather than eliminate that from your daily routine, instead swap out mascaras for ones that are proven to actually boost your lash strength and growth! Trust us, there are plenty of options out there!
Lashes help us feel beautiful, so it is important to look after them. With these tips and tricks, your lashes will be long and strong in no time!