How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs – 3 Simple Steps to Soft and Beautiful Legs

Strawberry legs, characterized by tiny dark spots resembling the dotted skin of a strawberry, are a common cosmetic concern. These spots are not harmful, but they can lead to a dip in self-confidence for many, making one hesitant to wear shorts or skirts. We’ll be addressing the causes behind this condition and how to achieve smooth, spot-free skin.

With a straightforward three-step process, one can effectively diminish the appearance of strawberry legs. Understanding the root causes is essential to prevent their recurrence and maintain the health and aesthetics of your skin. By following our guidance, you can feel at ease and confident in your skin once again.

What Is Causing Your Strawberry Legs?

Enlarged Pores

We understand that strawberry legs can be attributed to enlarged pores. When these pores become clogged with excess oil, they form what are known as open comedones. This happens when excess sebum combines with dead skin and bacteria, leading to clogged pores. Regular exfoliation is essential to help prevent these pores from becoming darkened and prominent, especially after shaving. The process of oxidation darkens the pores when they’re open and exposed to air.

  • Causes: Excess oil production, dead skin, bacteria
  • Prevention: Regular exfoliation


Folliculitis occurs when hair follicles become inflamed, often due to bacteria, fungi, or yeast. This skin condition can also arise from shaving and the subsequent development of ingrown hairs. When hairs grow back after shaving, they may fail to penetrate the skin properly and instead curl under, causing blockages that result in irritation and the characteristic darkened spots and bumps of strawberry legs.

  • Symptoms: Irritation, darkened pores, bumps
  • Common agents: Bacteria, fungi, yeast
  • Related to: Shaving, ingrown hairs

Dry Skin

Our skin’s barrier is intended to protect against impurities and irritants. For individuals with dry skin, this barrier may be compromised, making them more susceptible to the effects that contribute to strawberry legs. Dry skin can trigger irritation from various external factors such as dull razors or harsh chemicals found in some shaving creams, which can further exacerbate the condition of strawberry legs.

  • Skin barrier: Impairs with dry skin
  • Irritants: Dull razors, shaving cream chemicals
  • Management: Protect and moisturize the skin barrier

How To Get Rid of Strawberry Legs?

How to get rid of strawberry legs

Step 1 – Exfoliation

Proper exfoliation is essential to prevent and treat the appearance of dark pores known as strawberry legs. To achieve clear pores and smooth skin, it’s important to exfoliate regularly, removing oil, dirt, and dead skin. We recommend natural exfoliants, often readily available in your kitchen.

Baking soda

Baking soda

Combine equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply to your legs, gently massage in circular motions for five minutes, then rinse off.



Mix 1 cup of salt with ½ cup of oil (olive or coconut oil) and a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. Massage onto the legs for 5-10 minutes before rinsing.

Sugar and olive oil

sugar and olive oil

For sensitive skin, a gentler option is a mixture of 1 tablespoon brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. Massage with circular motions and rinse.

Ground coffee


Post-brew, coffee grounds can be used as a scrub. Apply to the affected areas and massage for five minutes, then rinse. It also may help reduce cellulite.

Step 2 – Hair removal

Hair removal, particularly shaving, can contribute to darkened pores on the legs. It’s vital to use effective techniques and tools to minimize this.

  • Shaving: Exfoliate before shaving. Soak legs in warm water to soften hairs. Use a sharp, single-blade safety razor to reduce razor bumps. Shave in the hair growth direction, then rinse with cold water to close pores.
  • Waxing: Waxing, whether cold or warm, can be effective in preventing ingrown hairs and rashes. Choose a wax or epilator that suits your preference.
  • Epilation: Modern epilators efficiently remove hair from the roots. This method helps in reducing ingrown hairs over time.

Step 3 – Moisturize

Following exfoliation, keeping the skin moisturized is crucial in managing keratosis pilaris and hence preventing strawberry legs. Hydrated skin reduces the risk of darkened pores and maintains the skin’s health.


rose water

Blend cucumber and add a few drops of rosewater. Apply this mixture to the legs, let sit for 10 minutes, then rinse. Repeat this routine daily for best results.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera

Massage the natural gel from aloe vera leaves onto your skin, wait for five minutes, and rinse. Aloe vera is excellent for hydration and also has benefits for stretch marks and cellulite.

Tea tree oil

Combine 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Apply this blend to the skin, allow to absorb for 5 minutes, then rinse off. It helps keep the skin clear of bacteria and fungus while soothing irritation.

Tips for Soft and Beautiful Skin

To maintain soft skin, we recommend a skincare routine that includes regular changes to your towels and exfoliating tools. Here is how we can keep our skin in top-notch condition:

  • Replace towels weekly to reduce bacteria.
  • Swap out loofahs/exfoliating gloves monthly to avoid overuse.
  • Dry brushing pre-shower: helps remove dead skin cells and boosts circulation. Learn More
  • Eat balanced, with plenty of fruits and veggies, for optimal skin health.
  • Regularly change shaving blades for a clean cut, preventing irritation.
  • Use shaving cream or hair conditioner to soften hairs pre-shave.
  • Be cautious with exfoliation and moisturizing; avoid clogging pores with excess.
  • Nourish skin with products rich in ceramides for hydration.

Strawberry legs