Achieving maximum cannabis yields relies on maintaining healthy plants. Even the gurus in marijuana seeds germination will tell you that they have encountered at least one or two plant health challenges. Understanding how to identify, treat and prevent these health issues will go a long way to bring success to your marijuana cultivation.
Maintaining the health of your marijuana is a complex act that requires you to spend a lot of time with the plants. You also need to possess the willingness to learn.
Chapter Overview
What is plant stress?
A typical day with enough light, water, and food is ideal for a cannabis plant. Just like human beings, life happens, and plants may undergo stress. Plant stress occurs when plants develop in less optimum conditions.
Plant stress can cause changes in the overall plant’s internal chemistry, resulting in delayed growth, damage, or worse still, death. Stress can be brought about by harmful biological components or adverse physical conditions. Understanding the various causes of marijuana plant stress is critical in maintaining the health of your plants.
Some of the most common marijuana plant stress include;
- Water stress
- pH stress
- Age stress
- Nutrient stress
- Plant damage
- Irregular light cycles
- Pests and disease stress
It may be difficult to control some external factors as a grower, but your role is to mitigate plant stress to grow healthy cannabis. Ensure you check as many factors as possible to prevent your crops from being attacked by either of these forms of marijuana plant stress.
Depending on whether you’re going your cannabis indoors or outdoors, some stress forms are easier to prevent than others. Due to fierce winds, outdoor plants are more prone to physical plant damage. However, suppose you’re into indoor cultivation. In that case, you can mitigate the risk by controlling the direction and speed of air movement using a proper heating, cooling, and ventilation system or wall-mounted fans.
Some risks affect both indoor and outdoor marijuana cultivation. For instance, regardless of the climate, pH can affect both indoor and outdoor operations. Ensure you focus on those factors you have direct control over; water, pH levels, and nutrients.
What care do weed seeds need?
Your marijuana seeds get more delicate as they develop to acquire leaves. You don’t have to water your weed seeds frequently as they can easily get drowned. At this stage, you can water them once after every 4-7 days. However, that depends on the climate.
Avoid adding too many nutrients to your Cannabis seeds. All you need is to provide plenty of light and water whenever appropriate.
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How to take care of cannabis plants during the vegetative phase
The vegetative stage is the phase that follows right after weed seeds have germinated. This is where you’ll want to transfer them from the seedbed into a big container. Moving the marijuana plant into a larger space will facilitate the root network’s extension, allowing the plant to grow bigger and stronger.
Your plants will need more water as they develop, and you can also begin adding some nutrients. However, nutrients are optional in the early stages of this phase. Most indoor growers opt to begin a nutrient regimen here, but if you’re cultivating outdoors, you might want to wait until you transfer your plants outside.
Don’t hesitate to add grow nutrients, particularly those that are heavy in nitrogen. Nitrogen helps to facilitate vegetative growth.
Top your plants after a few weeks to ensure that they grow out rather than up. You can chop off the top you plant as it will help with the even distribution of light. You can also begin pruning as it helps to eliminate dead leaves and branches. The slimmer the plant, the more it focuses on energy to produce larger and healthier buds that will receive more light, increasing yields.
You can also set up a trellis screen to give your marijuana plants support. The screen allows light to hit the plant more, producing high yields and opening up the plants to allow enough airflow, thus mitigating the risk of mold and pests.
What care does a flowering weed plant need?
As your Weed plants bud out, they’ll require more water. Keep a schedule to water them now and then. If you’re into indoor cultivation, you’ll want to switch to using bloom nutrients higher in potassium and phosphorus for bud production. You can also top-dress your crops with these nutrients to your outdoor plants. The flowering stage is critical, and you should pay close attention to your plants to ensure that they don’t acquire nutrient deficiencies.
You also need to reduce the number of lighting hours to 12 hours a day if you’re growing your plants indoors. The flowering stage for outdoor growing occurs mid-to-late August.
Don’t forget to flush your plants with water before harvesting.
Maintaining healthy cannabis plants requires monitoring and dedication. Complete control over the factors discussed above will ensure that you have healthy plants for marijuana cultivation, thus increasing your yields. Order great quality marijuana seeds from Amsterdam Marijuana seeds and start growing.