How to Improve Your Skincare Routine for Youthful Skin?

As a regular user of makeup products, you may know that the skincare market is booming. Magazine front covers are plastered with anti-ageing advertisements and good products to give you younger-looking skin.

You are constantly reminded by magazines, books, websites, and friends that you need to do more to take care of your skin with a skincare routine.

You’ve probably heard some advice on how to improve your skincare routine before – maybe even tried some of it out for yourself. Yet, you may still find fine lines around your eyes, crow’s feet when you smile, and perhaps a few dry patches here and there? Or even worse, sunspots or acne scarring.

Reasons for Various Skin Problems

You are no longer just living in a world where you need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants. Today there is so much more information about what damage has been done internally by poor dietary choices and hormone imbalances.

Skin problems such as acne and psoriasis can worsen due to gut dysbiosis and leaky gut syndrome, which cause increased inflammation throughout the body.

So, if you suffer from chronic health issues such as these, it will affect your appearance too – your skin included!

Tips to Revamp Your Skincare Routine

The global natural skincare products market value is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 5.0 per cent from 2020 to 2027.

How can you realise if your routine needs a revamp? Or simply an update? 

Here are a few tips for analysing your skincare routine and finding ways to make it more effective.

Are You Using Products with Harsh Chemicals?

You must check the list of ingredients on your skincare products. Even if it’s an anti-ageing product claiming to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, if there are many chemical-sounding words on the label, it is better to choose an organic alternative with fewer chemicals. 

You know how they say that natural is always better for us than synthetic, so why should this not apply to our skin too?

Don’t use that product if you can’t pronounce half of the ingredients listed – or even recognise them as food items. Your skin will thank you later.

Are You Becoming Sensitive to Your Current Beauty Products?

It could be time to reassess your skincare routine if you’re noticing skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema appearing in places that you’ve never had before. Or if these conditions are becoming more inflamed than usual.  

You see, the thing about such beauty products with synthetic chemicals is that although they can be very effective at doing their job – exfoliating, cleansing and moisturising, for instance – this comes at a price.

Synthetic ingredients simply don’t get along well with our delicate skin. They’re too harsh and abrasive to be placed on our skin every day, so while people may notice a difference in how clear or smooth our skin looks after using a product containing things like sulphates and parabens, the damage has been done.

It leads to chronic inflammation and the development of more severe health problems in the future.

Are You Trying to Fix a Problem Area with A One-Size Fits All Approach?

You must treat each area of your face with customised care since they all have unique needs.

Your neck and chest are exposed to different environmental factors than, say, your forehead or chin – so why would you use the same skincare products on them?  

Besides this, most anti-ageing products on the market are designed for mature skin types. Yet, many young people also suffer from similar conditions, such as fine lines around their eyes or acne scarring. 

Since these products are often quite harsh, you need to know your skin type before using them. For example, if you have sensitive or dry skin, you are best to avoid rejuvenating creams containing retinol or glycolic acid because their exfoliating properties can irritate you. Instead, opt for serums that focus on hydrating your skin and preventing collagen loss.

Do You Find That Certain ‘Miracles’ Only Last Temporarily?

No doubt about it, there’s nothing like the instant gratification of finally finding a fantastic product that has an immediate effect on your appearance.

So, if something works (no matter how expensive it is), it’s recommended to stick with it – provided it doesn’t irritate your skin, of course.

But if you find that the effects wear off all too soon, then it’s probably no longer giving your skin what it needs.

Many factors should be considered, such as a diet, for example.

When you don’t eat foods that are nutrient-dense or when you consume too many acidic or processed foods (which strip our bodies’ stores of antioxidants), then your immune system will be compromised.

It affects your skin since antioxidants are required to neutralise free radical damage, one of the biggest causes of premature ageing.

So, suppose you regularly indulge in fatty takeout dinners and don’t drink enough water; you can expect those benefits to fade as your skin struggles to fight against these environmental aggressors.

At the end of the day

Summing up everything, healthy skin is created by a healthy diet and is enhanced by having a skincare routine that involves using organic and vegan products that don’t have harsh chemicals. Some products will even reverse the signs of aging such as age spots and wrinkles. The best thing you can do for your skin is to treat yourself well on the inside and on the outside.