How To Repair Damaged Hair – Is It Possible?

There are so many fun things you can with your hair. For starters, you can pull it in a pony, or a braid. Or give it the color treatment. You can express yourself with your fabulous locks as much as you like.

There is only one caveat. All that styling, lightening, and overdoing will eventually result in damaged hair. And then, you ask the question, how to repair damaged hair.

Well, the good news is that it is possible by all means. You definitely do not want brittle, damaged, and broken hair. We will talk today about some natural remedies for damaged hair you can try, as well as lifestyle changes you have to make.

But first, let’s talk about why you have damaged hair in the first place.

Causes of damaged hair

As mentioned previously, styling and bleaching are two of the leading causes of damaged hair. But they are not the only one.

Here is a quick breakdown of the most common causes of damaged hair.

  • Diet, what you eat means a lot for your hair. Stick to food that is balanced, and rich in micronutrients, and not the empty-calorie fast food
  • Stress is one of the leading causes for hair fall, hair breakage, and hair thinning
  • Dryness caused by exposure to sunlight, and just lack of moisture from within
  • Heat damage, as heat can break the cells in the hair strands
  • Over-processing is a cause many women ignore. There is no right answer how often to bleach, style, or process your hair
  • Over-washing can also be a problem, as washing strips your hair of its natural oils. Try to wash your hair two or three times at most per week
  • Last, but not least, improper towel drying. Do not squeeze your hair in the towel, just gently pat it dry

Home remedies for damaged hair

Truth be told, there are a lot of beauty products now you can try for how to repair damaged hair. But most of them contain the same chemicals that caused the problem in the first place. Which is why we recommend sticking to some of the natural solutions



Known as a superfood, avocado is rich in vitamins, minerals, and more importantly, healthy fats. Avocado acts as a moisturizer for your hair and nourishes it from the inside.

All you need is one avocado. Mash one ripe avocado, with the pit removed, and then add one egg. Whisk it, mix the two, and once you have a consistent solution, apply to your wet hair.

Thanks to the essential fatty acids, the solution will nourish your hair and give your strands the nutrients they need. Leave the hair mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment once per week. If you have healthy hair, you can do it once per month as a way to prevent damaged hair.

SEE ALSO: 7 DIY Avocado Hair Mask Treatments For Damaged And Dry Hair


cocoa butter

You will be surprised, but butter can be quite handy in how to repair damaged hair. This home remedy can easily treat dry and brittle hair. And you need just a small amount to get that glossy shine you always wanted.

Just massage some butter into your dry hair. Cover with a shower cap, and leave it for 30 minutes. After that, shampoo as usual, and make sure to rinse all of the butter.

Olive oil

Olive oil

This is one of the most common home remedies for dry and damaged hair. When your hair lacks moisture, there is nothing better than olive oil. Just warm half a cup of olive oil. Be careful not to boil it. Rub it into the hair, and then cover with a plastic bag.

Wrap your hair in a towel, and let the olive oil sit in your hair for 45 minutes. Shampoo as usual, rinse thoroughly and enjoy your new shiny hair.


If you thought you can only drink tea, think again. This popular beverage has so many benefits. And you do not need always need the liquid. Sometimes, empty tea bags are enough.

For this remedy, you need a quart of warm and unsweetened tea. It can be freshly brewed or instant. Apply as a final rinse after regular shampoo and rinse.

You can also use tea to enhance your new hair color. Just make sure to use tea that is similar to your hair color. For examples, blondes can go with chamomile, while if you want to darken the hair, go with black hair.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most common home remedies. There are so many uses of apple cider vinegar, you just have to keep a bottle at arm’s reach.

You can use this must-have in every home to put life back into your damaged hair. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 3 egg whites, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once you have a consistent solution, rub the mix into the dry hair. Keep it covered for 30 minutes with a shower cap, and then shampoo and rinse as usual.


One of the best sources of protein is perfect to repair damaged hair. Your hair needs keratin, a type of protein. And eggs have loads of it.

Mix just one egg with a small amount of shampoo. Apply to your damaged hair and massage for five minutes. Rinse thoroughly afterward.

Lifestyle changes

If you really want to get rid of damaged hair and repair it, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Applying hair masks will not help if your lifestyle does not match your effort.

As they say, “no workout can out-exercise a bad diet”, the same applies for damaged hair. No matter the hair masks, if you do not make some changes, there will be no results.

Here are some things to consider.

Lower the temperature on hair tools

Curling iron, flat iron, blow dryer, all of these use a high amount of heat to transform your hair. Yes, they can give you luscious waves, curls, or voluminous hair. But the price of that is heat damage, resulting in dryness and brittleness of your hair.

And you can prevent that by lowering the temperature. Do not use too high temperature when styling your hair. High temperature is only for those with super thick and coarse hair.

Dry your hair carefully

Your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet. Drying your hair is a hazard waiting to happen. The potential for damage is bigger when your hair is wet. Never try to pull a brush through wet hair.

What you can do is use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair, and then pat it dry. Do not rub it vigorously with the towel. Instead, just gently blot it with a microfiber towel. Do not use a blow dryer the moment you walk out of the shower.

Hydrate from inside

Do not let your hair get thirsty. That is a saying many hairstylists like to say. Never skip a moisturizer, and try to hydrate yourself from the inside as well.

Dry hair often results in damaged hair. Therefore, apply a moisturizer per instructions, and drink 8 glasses of water per day. If you are prone to dry hair or use processing tools too often, drink even more water.

Try leave-in treatments

Speaking of moisturizing your hair, some leave-in hair treatments are great for preventing and treating damaged hair. Go for those that have UV hair production and products that add and lock moisture.

What about your shampoo?

The best thing you can do for your damaged hair is to change your shampoo. That is unless you are already using a sulfate-free shampoo. These shampoos are formulated for damaged hair. And when you buy your next shampoo, look for one with natural origin ingredients.

Do not over-wash your hair. We mentioned that previously as a cause for damaged hair. If your hair and scalp are in a desperate need of refreshment, you can just do a dry shampoo treatment on the third day. Two times per week is more than enough for shampooing and washing.