How to Stay Paleo During Summer

Some people may struggle with maintaining their paleo diets during a vacation. You’re not in your usual environment, don’t have access to all of your usual ingredients and you may not want to cook. If you want to maintain your diet during a vacation, then use these four points to help you stay true to it.

Snacks for the Trip

One of the hardest parts of vacation is travelling. During your trip, whether by car or airplane, you should prepare ahead of time with some paleo foods. Luckily, many of these foods will last a while in the car or on an airplane. This allows you to bring apples, nuts and anything else that works for your paleo diet.

Since paleo diets are based around foods available around the caveman time period, you have plenty of foods that will last you for multiple days and even weeks. This makes your paleo diet friendly options perfect snacks during travel. This way, you don’t have to rely on finding a fast-food restaurant or place with paleo diet options.

Planning Ahead

Staying true to your paleo diet means that you need to plan ahead of time. You can’t go on your vacation and expect everything to fall into place for you. Make sure that you spend some time preparing yourself for the trip. For example, you can look up restaurants and stores in the area to see if they have food that works for your paleo diet.

Keep in mind the length of your vacation. This will allow you to effectively make plans and save enough money to last you the entire trip. Make sure that you build this vacation around your diet. This will help you to keep things smooth and avoid panicking if you can’t find food. It will also lower temptations to cheat on your diet.

Meal Plans

On top of planning out where you should eat, you also need to plan what you will eat. This is where paleo meal plans come into play. Meal plans are different recipes that you create and use ahead of time so that you know what you can eat for your diet. Many websites offer meal plans and you can form your own through research.

When you’re on vacation, you need to create meal plans for yourself before you leave. Doing so will allow you to have these recipes ready and make it easier for you to create something delicious while you stay true to your diet.

Cooking Food

Many people just eat out or eat prepared food when they go on vacation. However, those on a paleo diet don’t have this luxury since they don’t know what the chef put into those dishes. If you want to make sure that you’re true to your diet, you need to cook your own food.

Make sure that you pick up all the ingredients that you need from local stores once you arrive at your vacation location. Afterwards, you can cook your food ahead of time and bring it with you if your family members want to eat out at a restaurant.