Natural Ways Of Balancing Your Metabolism

The human body is an exquisite and complicated thing, and this means that sometimes it can be difficult to get it to do the things we want it to. Usually, there is more than one factor in any physical manifestation in the body, and it can take some time for us to understand all the moving pieces—each cog as a part of the whole. Anyone who has been focused on weight loss will tell you the same thing. It’s not as simple as energy in and energy out. There’s a lot going on inside our beings whenever we make food and lifestyle choices. The following will explore just one aspect of weight loss—metabolism.

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism has gotten a bit of a bad wrap lately, and this isn’t anywhere near fair. Our metabolism is what keeps us living. It is the process by which our bodies take the food we give it and create energy. It is also something that varies across different people and animals due to lifestyles, habits, medications, epigenetic settings, age, and weight loss history. This variance can mean that two people eating the same thing process the food at different speeds and, as a result, one person gains more fat than the other. Because of this, metabolism has been known to impact our weight (along with dozens of other factors), and many are looking for some lifestyle tweaks that can speed up their metabolism, allowing their bodies to burn through the calories and fat that they have faster.

Get More Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is linked to a myriad of health struggles, including emotional challenges by altering our hormone balance and relationship problems (because our emotional responses are all out of whack). Sleep is also linked to our metabolism— not getting enough of it has been shown to decrease the calories you burn. More than this, it also messes with the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which are the hormones your body uses to tell your brain to start eating (feels like hunger) and stop eating (feels like fullness). Lack of sleep has also been linked to higher blood sugar levels and insulin resistance which are both connected to greater risks for type 2 diabetes.

Build Muscle

Muscles take a lot of energy to maintain themselves. Because of this, the more muscle you have, the more calories you’re burning at a given moment (, the faster your metabolism). A single pound of muscle uses around six calories each day, whereas a pound of fat uses only two. Over time, more muscle can contribute to a fair amount of extra calories burnt. Lifting weights and doing exercises can help you build muscle.

Spices And Peppers

Certain types of food also encourage your metabolism to rev up. In particular, foods that are spicy because they’re made with peppers or pepper products containing capsaicin help regulate metabolism and cardiovascular function (there’s also a ton of other health benefits as well). This means something small like adding a bit of hot sauce to your lunch can help speed things up.

Of course, not everyone was built to handle the spiciest of foods. You know who you are, don’t be burning your mouth and intestines in exchange for increased metabolism. There are other food sources like saffron extract that can help as well. Keep researching different spices, and soon you’ll find one that works with your taste preferences and boosts metabolism. Including more herbs and spices in your diet has dozens of other health benefits too.

Drink More Water

Here’s another tip that boosts your metabolism and helps every other area of your health as well. Your body can’t process calories without water. Even slight dehydration slows down your metabolism. For an extra speed boost, drink the water a little on the colder side—your body will burn a few extra calories as it heats the water up. If you’re someone who has trouble getting in the right amount of water, look into fresh vegetables and fruits that are jam-packed with water.

The above tips should help you give your metabolism a little bit of love, so it can keep you energized and healthy for years to come. If you suspect that something has gone seriously awry with your metabolism or another part of your health which impacts your metabolism, there is no harm in seeking out a doctor or naturopath to help you rule out any serious medical conditions. It’s important to remember that every part of our health is a communication line—our body sends us messages through our skin, hair, nails, feelings, energy levels, and our weight. If something isn’t aligning with your expectations given your diet and exercise regime, take a moment and listen. You might be surprised to hear what your body has been trying to say.