No Need Make Up Beauty

We always desire to look perfect – in our photos and in real—life. This can be achieved temporarily by wearing makeup and permanently by undergoing plastic surgery. Makeup enhances ones’ appearance, but they don’t last for long. A plastic surgery directly transforms your appearance, making you feel more attractive and confident. Getting plastic surgery done means you can look exactly the way you want to look and still look great even without makeup. Once you have decided on the type of enhancement you want, consider getting plastic surgery in Turkey.

What Does Facial Contouring Surgery Involve?

Facial contouring is one of the fastest-growing non-invasive plastic surgery trends. It is a procedure that involves enhancing facial features and reducing the signs of ageing. This plastic surgery procedure can help you achieve an effortless and youthful look. There are different types of facial contouring techniques, and each treatment targets a specific part of your face. The procedure you need will be decided based on your face shape/ratio. You may need just two of them, while someone else may need five of them before they have the best look.

Non-Surgical Nose Job

A nose job is one of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures. Several people seek nose jobs every year and all for different reasons. Some people want to get rid of a bump on their nose, others want to straighten their nose, and another may want to just correct their breathing problems. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a procedure that involves injecting the nose with filters to alter its shape, height, or the nostrils. This procedure is painless and takes about 15 to 20 minutes. It may take longer if a numbing cream was applied before the procedure, and most times, patients experience a little discomfort for a short period after the procedure. If you have a small nose and wish to make the nose straighter or modify the tip, then this procedure is for you. Non-surgical nose job works better for anyone looking for minor changes.

Chin implant surgery

A chin implant surgery refers to the refinement/improvement of the bone contour of the chin area.

Facial Liposuction

This procedure involves minimally removing excess fat cells from a part of the face that needs to be defined. It is a minimally invasive form of facial surgery.

Facial Implants

Are you considering going for a facial implant? Then you will have a wide range of options. In this procedure, the main goal is to tighten, tone and in some cases, remove sagging skin and reduce signs of ageing. Facial implants involve contouring, uplifting and redefining options across all areas of the face, including eyebrows, jawline, lips, cheeks, nose and chin.

Bone Trimming

Also known as Alveoloplasty, bone trimming is the reshaping of the bone during or after tooth extraction.

Jawline Contouring

This procedure is a non-surgical procedure designed to improve the jawline. It involves injecting filters into the jawline or chin to create a more defined jawline.

Graft and tissue transfers: A unit of tissue is transferred from one site (donor site) to another (recipient site). This type of technique is used for facial reconstructions like a brow lift, brow transplant, beard /moustache transplant


Rhinoplasty involves changing the appearance of the nose or improving breathing. It is popularly referred to as a nose job or nose reshaping.

Facelift Surgery

Also known as a rhytidectomy is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess facial skin from the face. It reshapes the lower half of the face and gives the face a more youthful appearance.

Hairline Lowering

This cosmetic surgery is also known as forehead reduction surgery is used to shorten the length of the forehead.

Otoplasty (Ear Correction)

The aim of the surgery is to correct a deformity or to improve appearance. This reconstructive surgery involves reshaping the outer ear or the pinna.

Double Jaw Surgery

The purpose of this surgery is to correct both functional and aesthetic skeletal issues. If you have a protruding jaw, this surgery is for you.

V line Surgery

V line surgery reshapes the jaw angles, chin, lower face and mandible bone. It gives you a slenderer jawline and chin.

Neck lift

Platysmaplasty also is known as a neck lift, is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the neck to provide a smoother and slimmer profile.

Buccal fat extraction

This procedure removes buccal fat pad of fat from the cheek hollow area resulting in a more contour, slimmer and lower jawline.

The Benefits of Facial Contouring Surgeries

Facial Contouring Surgery holds a lot of benefits for both men and women who undergo this surgical procedure.

  • It increases their self-esteem.
  • Enhances their confidence
  • Gives them a more balance jawline
  • It makes a face look more symmetrical
  • Reduces the jaw/mouth protrusion
  • Create a more feminine jawline and facial expression for women.

Temporary Risks of Facial Contouring Surgeries:

Before you undergo surgery, the surgeon will let you know of any complications that may arise. You can avoid the following risk if you place yourself under the care of a board-certified surgeon.

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Hematoma
  • Seroma
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Revision surgery
  • Dissatisfaction with surgery

How is the Recovery Process?

After the surgery, the recovery period varies for different patients. If you are healthy, both physically and emotionally, you will experience a swift recovery. If you have had other procedures performed simultaneously, your recovery may take a longer time. In other to make your healing process faster, adhere to all the instructions given by your surgeon.