Reasons for Weight Gain and How to Avoid it

Obesity is a major health issue for people of all ages globally. It’s collectively known as metabolic syndrome. There are many conditions associated with it, including high blood pressure, poor blood lipid profile, and elevated blood sugar.

Most people with obesity are at higher risk of getting heart disease and diabetes than people with an average weight. A lot of research is still being done on why people are gaining weight uncontrollably, and here are some of the reasons.

Is gaining weight connected to willpower?

Most people think that gaining weight is somehow connected to a lack of willpower, but this is not entirely true. Though gaining weight is highly associated with eating behavior and one’s lifestyle, some people find it hard to control their eating behavior.

These people have tried their best to maintain their diet, but they continue to gain weight faster than expected. As a result, it seems like excessive weight gain is caused by more than just eating behavior. Claiming that gaining weight is ultimately based on one’s willpower sounds too simplistic. That means one may be taking a proper diet while others are out of control.

Sometimes the condition of weight gain may become severe, and that’s where you need proper medical attention. Concierge MDLA, Doctors Direct, and OC House Call are services that provide house call doctors Orange County. Professional health guidance is vital when dealing with uncontrolled weight gain or serious conditions related to it. The doctors are available 24/7 and take every case on priority. After all, when it’s about life and death, you need a service that’s quick and reliable.

Here are the major reasons for gaining weight:


As stated above, weight gain is caused by more factors than what you consume. Genetics is one of the significant causes of weight gain. Studies reveal that weight gain is highly associated with some genetic components. That’s why kids of parents who gain weight uncontrollably are at high risk of experiencing the same as those of lean parents.

Genetic predisposition to weight gain doesn’t guarantee that you will gain weight. You should understand that the food you consume has a major effect on the genes that are likely to be expressed. Most people from developing countries develop obesity when eating the western diet. But this doesn’t mean that their genes have changed. It’s a matter of how the food you are eating influences the working of particular genes.

Certain medications

Some pharmaceutical drugs cause weight gain as one of their side effects. These medicines stimulate the patient’s appetite and cause them to eat more, and hence more weight is added. Others affect the body’s metabolism by affecting the rate at which the body burns calories.

On the other hand, some medicines cause a lot of water retention. As a result, the body tends to weigh more even when you don’t put on extra fat. Studies also reveal that some drugs might affect how the body stores and absorbs sugars and other nutrients. All these effects lead to added weight on the body.

Leptin resistance

Leptin is a peptide hormone that is responsible for weight gain. When produced by the fat cells, blood levels have higher fat content, leading to weight gain. That’s why people with obesity tend to have high leptin levels.

Despite this working of leptin, high leptin levels are still linked to reduced appetite in people within standard weight ranges. When working properly, this hormone should keep your body weight in balance. Here, the issue is that leptin isn’t working properly, a leading factor in the pathogenesis of obesity.


Many people have wrong information when it comes to diet and nutrition. Issues with the information you are getting  can largely depend on your sources. Numerous sites on the internet spread fake information about products.

As a result, consumers end up taking food substances for the wrong purposes, and don’t get the effects they want. Most people struggling with weight loss will admit that they have taken several drugs that never worked for them. Sometimes, information may be outdated or based on theories that haven’t been proven.

Sedentary lifestyle

Being inactive is a major cause of weight gain that often leads to chronic diseases. Imagine sitting at the desk for the entire day. And then you get home and watch TV or use your phone while seated on the couch. All these are sedentary activities. Research shows that most people gaining weight at a higher rate have a high average sitting time.

In most cases, the sitting time is during working hours. The difference here is whether one is making a few simple lifestyle changes like sitting less and exercising even while in the office. Standing and stretching can work effectively to fight the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Taking too much sugar

Everyone’s brain is wired to enjoy sweet things. In particular, sugar intake stimulates the release of brain chemicals like serotonin that make one feel good. This leaves one wanting to experience that feeling repeatedly. That’s why it’s hard for most people to keep off sugary foods and beverages.

A higher intake of sugary foods leads to weight gain and increases the risk of chronic health conditions and heart diseases. To be precise, sugary beverages and foods are the largest sources of added sugar in the body.

Taking highly processed foods

The consumption of ultra-processed foods has increased sharply over the past two decades across all the states in the United States. Most of the supermarket foodstuffs are processed, including sugary drinks, chocolate and candies, ice cream, bakery products, and processed meats.

Most of them add unwanted ingredients, pairing preservatives together with unhealthy fats. That’s why most processed foodstuffs are linked to weight gain. These foodstuffs are packed with calories yet devoid of essential nutrients like protein and fiber.

Failure to get enough sleep

Sleep is very vital for overall health and well-being. If you are not getting enough sleep, you are at risk of weight gain. Most people who sleep for fewer hours have higher body mass index and higher levels of visfatin compared with others who sleep for more hours.

Irregular sleeping habits slow metabolism activities in the body, leading to increased glucose levels and insulin resistance. The extra time awake may also increase the opportunities to eat more food, leading to more added weight.


Stress significantly impacts your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and weight gain is no exception. Whether it’s a matter of the stress hormone cortisol or induced behaviors, or just a combination of the two, the risk of gaining more weight is just glaring. Research shows that the stress hormone cortisol leads to weight gain. Whenever you are stressed, the adrenal glands release this hormone and adrenaline.

As a result, more glucose is released into the bloodstream. When stress subsidizes, the adrenaline levels wear off, and the sugar spike in the blood subsides. That’s when cortisol kicks in to replenish your energy. Cortisol stimulates cravings for the sugary foodstuffs.


Low estrogen levels during menopause are responsible for fat accumulation around the belly. But this hormone isn’t solely to blame for weight gain. Other causes like hot flashes and sleeping problems lead to weight increase.

Menopause may trigger mood swings that can lead to  excessive eating and avoiding regular exercise. Feeling stressed and low energy means you are less likely to cook, and instead resort to snacking on foods low in nutrition and high in sugar content.

How to avoid weight gain

Let’s face it – there are lots of people looking to lose weight. On the other hand, others are concerned with the rate at which they are gaining weight. So, they are trying everything possible to improve their daily habits to keep off from gaining weight. That’s because they want to feel lighter and happier with less weight.

Here are tips on how to avoid weight gain:

  1. Avoid skimping on proteins
  2. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water
  3. Prioritize exercise as often as possible
  4. Take lots of foodstuffs that are rich in fiber
  5. Prepare nutritious meals at home and carry them to work instead of relying on unhealthy snacks.
  6. Use available tools to stay on track with your healthy weight goals.
  7. Go for the lower-calorie alcohol options that are becoming more widely available.
  8. Consider intermittent fasting
  9. Sip on vegan broth daily if possible
  10. Be diligent about maintaining healthy sleeping patterns.


Weight gain is an issue that most people are trying to fight in their daily lives. But weight gain can be overcome by staying organized and taking the necessary measures to stop activities that can lead to weight gain. The key factors that lead to weight gain are interrelated, and the blame does not fall on eating habits alone. Genetic factors and other medications play a role in weight gain too. There are still ways to prevent excessive weight gain, such as a nutritious meals without extreme sugar content.