Self-Care Tips When Going Through A Breakup Or Divorce

A breakup or divorce can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person’s life. Even if you feel it’s the right decision and are hopeful for the future, the process can still be stressful and emotional.

So, while self-care can sometimes seem like a catch-all that doesn’t mean much more than treating yourself to the purchase you want, you do want to prioritize yourself and your needs during this difficult time.

Here are some practical self-care tips when splitting up from your partner or spouse.

Get Help From Experts

While going through your divorce, don’t hesitate to seek support from professionals. One of the most important things you can do is contact a family lawyer for assistance with the divorce process. Even if you and your former spouse don’t have many significant disagreements, an attorney will ensure you’re protected.

Also, consider getting mental health support from a therapist. They can teach you coping skills for the complicated emotions that arise during a divorce or separation.

Write Out Your Feelings

If you’re dealing with overwhelming emotions, writing through them can help you process them. You can keep a feelings journal where you jot down whatever upsets you. Just the act of writing things out can help you release your emotions and move on.

Another way to deal with your feelings towards your ex is to write a letter to them where you express all your hurts, affection, and grievances. Most likely, you won’t want to send this letter, but expressing these things can be very healing.

Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings

Even if you have a positive outlook on life after the breakup or divorce, you may still feel sudden waves of sadness, anger, or loneliness. You may feel the decision was for the best, but this doesn’t mean it’s not painful.

Instead of trying to fight these emotions, let them come. Feel the feelings like a wave. They will eventually subside, and sometimes it’s okay to be sad.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

One of the best things you can do when feeling sad or lonely because of a romantic separation is to spend time with other loved ones. In the thick of a divorce or breakup, you might not feel at your best, but getting out of the house and socializing can brighten your spirits.

Remember to ask your family and friends for support. Even little things like going out for a cup of coffee or having a movie night with friends can distract you from your emotional pain.

Give Yourself Grace Through The Process

Healing from a loss can take time, and the process is rarely linear. A divorce or breakup can be traumatic, and losing someone you were so close to is a type of grief.

So, your healing process may not go smoothly. It’s a misconception that everyone goes smoothly from one step of grief to the next. Instead, you’ll likely feel many emotions at once.

You may have days where you feel you’ve mostly moved on and other days where you feel depressed.

Try to accept these emotions, and don’t get down on yourself.

Practice Kindness

Another great way to move past your own emotional distress is to focus on helping others. It can be easy to focus on your own unhappiness, but looking outward and participating in your community can do wonders for your mental health.

You don’t have to do anything big to help others and brighten up their day. The little things go a long way.

As you follow these six tips, you’ll have the support and self-love you need to move forward from your breakup or divorce in a more healthy manner.