Struggling With Back Acne? Here’s What You Should Do

It is a common problem for many people to have acne on their backs. Back acne is a common skin issue that affects individuals of all ages and races. Back acne is exactly what it sounds like, breakouts that occur on the back area of an individual’s body. This article provides points on how to get rid of back acne.

Identify Your Type of Back Acne

One of the first steps in treating back acne is properly identifying the type of skin condition you are dealing with. There are different types of back acne that individuals may experience including non-inflammatory acne, inflammatory lesions, and cysts. Non-inflammatory acne usually consists of blackheads while inflammatory lesions consist of papules, pustules, and nodules. Cysts are large under the surface bumps which make the skin appear inflamed or swollen. The severity of one’s condition depends on a variety of factors such as stress levels, puberty stage, and overall health.

Identify Your Triggers

Triggers are the main cause of acne which an individual is dealing with. Attempting to reduce or eliminate these factors will allow you to get rid of back acne in the long run. Some examples of common triggers for back acne include but are not limited to genetics, menstruation cycles, and food. For example, certain foods like those below can trigger or worsen breakouts on your body:

  • Chocolate is a known trigger for acne breakouts. This is because chocolate contains a substance called “Theobromine” which can upset the digestive system and increase the likelihood of breakouts. In addition, milk chocolate has been proven to have more of an acne triggering effect than dark chocolate.
  • High sugar foods such as candy cause a spike in insulin levels which can result in worsening back acne symptoms over time.
  • Foods with high carbohydrate levels are also reported to worsen acne breakouts on the body. Some examples include bread, pasta, and baked goods.
  • Avoid salty foods such as potato chips because these contribute to swelling near the surface of the skin which worsens back acne symptoms over time.

While some foods can trigger an increase in breakouts, others may help reduce them. There are several types of natural food that are believed to provide relief from acne including cherries, walnuts, blueberries, cranberries, oranges, grapefruit, and strawberries.

Limit Sweaty Activities

While sweat does not contribute to acne breakouts, it can irritate existing ones and spread bacteria which worsens the condition. Therefore it is recommended that those with back acne avoid excessively sweaty activities such as exercising or playing sports.

Don’t Pop The Acne

One of the most important things to do when facing back acne is to avoid popping the breakouts on your body. Popping a pimple can worsen pain and leave a scar on the skin. In addition, it has been reported that popping a pimple on one part of your body can increase the likelihood of acne forming on other parts as well.

Avoid Showering too Often

In general, showering too often or scrubbing your skin with harsh chemicals may worsen back acne symptoms over time. While it is important to keep the skin clean, you should avoid overly drying out your pores by using hot water and soaps which strip minerals from the body. You may want to shower with lukewarm or cold water which will help reduce bacteria and prevent dryness without worsening inflammation near the surface of the skin.

Cleansing Your Skin Can Help Clear Up Back Acne

Start off by washing your back with a gentle cleanser twice daily in the morning and at night. You can opt for an over-the-counter product or use one that is available through your dermatologist. Over-the-counter options are typically less expensive than prescription creams but it’s important to remember that these products may not be as effective as the cream prescribed by a dermatologist. Remember to never use harsh scrubs when exfoliating to avoid irritating your skin even further.

Medications Can Help Treat the Acne on Your Back

There are many medications available to treat acne. Some you can purchase over-the-counter while others require a prescription. It’s important to know that over-the-counter products may not be enough to clear up the acne on your back, so it’s best to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. They can prescribe medication. Some of the most common topical treatments for back acne include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.

In conclusion, there are some things you can do on your own to get rid of back acne. Methods of fighting back acne include avoiding triggering food, reducing sweat, and using over-the-counter medications for back acne which have been proven to be effective in many individuals. If these methods don’t help or are unsuccessful, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist so they can let you know what other options are available to treat back acne.