Laser hair removal has several to-dos that must be performed to bring outstanding results from laser hair removal and retain them for a long time. Read out the given article to get hands-on knowledge on all the things to perform before, during, and after laser hair removal.
So, let’s get started!
Chapter Overview
How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal Treatment
There are various things one must do before having a laser hair removal treatment. The following list of procedures must be followed to have an effective result of the hair removal treatment.
1. Shaving
Shaving of the area you want to get a laser hair removal treatment done is essential. One must shave the area 24 prior to the treatment. As per research, shaving might help to reduce irritation on the skin and increase the extent of laser transmission.
2. Clean body
Cleaning the body is an important step; one must have a proper bath before the treatment, so there is no chance of having any amount of makeup, body lotion, or any such things in the body. The residue of any of such products may cause harm to the treatment. The procedure’s effectiveness might get affected due to such things as it contains some chemicals, which might react with the laser light and cause a bad skin reaction.
3. Avoid going directly on the sunlight
It is crucial to stay away from sunlight for three days before laser hair removal. The UV ray of the sunlight may not have a positive effect on the skin. Thus, it might prevent achieving an effective result from the laser hair removal treatment.
4. Do not use sun tanner
Usage of sun tanner might harm the effectiveness of the treatment. One must not use a sun tanner before 1-2 weeks for the treatment.
5. Avoid alcohol and smoking
Consumption of alcohol is highly prohibited before going under laser hair removal treatment. One must not have more than two alcoholic drinks before 24 hours of the treatment. Smoking of cigarettes and other things must also be avoided before getting the treatment done.
6. Avoid waxing
Any kind of wax must not be used in the area where the laser hair removal treatment is to be done. The waxing must be avoided for a month before the treatment because it might disturb the hair follicles. If the hair follicles are not destroyed properly, then there are chances of witnessing regrowth of hair.
7. Drink ample water
Drinking more water is in all ways helpful for the body. This fact works here as well! one must drink a good amount of water before the treatment. It helps the body to regulate the desired body temperature.
8. Test patch
One vital point is that, before getting the treatment, there must be a test patch to see if it gives rise to any allergies or not.
Things To Do During The Treatment
All top laser centers like Ethos Spa follow safety precautions during laser hair removal. The following are a few things that need to be followed and kept in mind while going through a laser hair removal treatment.
1. Safety glasses
The person providing the treatment (laser technician) and the person getting the treatment both must wear a protective pair of glasses. This pair of glasses is a must-have product. If these glasses are not worn, they can affect the eye, retina to be specific. As per research, the strong high-intensity beam of light might hurt the retina and also cause blindness.
2. Coverage over other areas
The area where the treatment is not carried on must be covered with a proper cloth to prevent the body area from getting any kind of laser light.
3. Use of anesthesia
The use of local anesthesia is optional. One can opt for a local anesthesia dose if the pain tolerance level is low. However, it is optional as the pain caused by any laser hair removal treatment is not very high. Yet every person has different degrees of tolerance for pain, so there is an option of getting the anesthesia to experience a total pain-free hair removal treatment.
Things To Do After Laser Hair Removal
There are numerous things that need to be followed after the treatment. Below are few things that need to be kept in mind after getting the laser hair removal treatment.
1. Use ice pack
After the treatment ends, there is a fair chance of redness and swelling in the treatment area. This looks like goosebumps. There is no need to worry about the effect. It is normal, and almost everyone faces this.
Using an ice pack over the red and swelled area may help in reducing the discomfort. However, if the discomfort still remains, few medicines can be used, like paracetamol. The medication must be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
2. Use aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is really helpful in calming the skin down. Using aloe Vera over the redness is helpful too.
3. Avoid sunlight, artificial Sun tanner, and use sunscreen
After getting the laser hair removal treatment, do not go under the sun or use any artificial Sun tanner directly. The usage of sunscreen having an SPF 50 avoids any sun tan that might cause the treated skin to darken up. It also avoids hyperpigmentation and scarring in the treated area.
4. Wear loose cloth
Wearing loose-fitting clothes will stop the friction between the cloth and the skin. It will also provide more breathing space to the body to recover and avoid scars.
5. Drink water and Avoid makeup
Drinking water in an adequate amount is helpful for the body. Usage of makeup must be avoided immediately after the treatment.
6. Avoid hot water bath
Taking of hot water bath, swimming and all these activities must be avoided after the treatment. Following these activities may cause the treatment to turn less effective for the body. It increases the body temperature and results in sweating. Sweat is not healthy as it produces bacteria.
7. Avoid strenuous exercise
Avoid any activity that might strain the body. It might prevent the skin that is treated by the laser hair removal treatment to recover. Also, exercising causes the body temperature to rise and creates sweat which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.
The Bottom Line
All the points mentioned above must be taken into consideration to have a good and safe treatment experience. If any kind of reaction occurs, consulting your aesthetician is very important because only a professional can help with the most accurate information, knowledge, and experience.