Want A Healthy And Silky Hair? Here’s How To Achieve That

Silky, healthy hair looks good on any hair type and with any style; despite how universally sought-after luscious hair is, very few people know how to go about getting it. That’s because your hair is impacted by so many different parts of your daily life—taking care of it, therefore, requires a muti-angled approach.

The following will take a look at the steps you need to take if you want shiny, gorgeous hair. Of course, not all hair damage is something to be shrugged off and treated. Sometimes hair loss or breakage, especially in the extreme, can indicate a health problem you’re not yet aware of. If your hair texture or strength has declined rapidly, it might be worth talking to a medical professional or holistic healthcare practitioner.

Think About Food

This is the point no one wants to hear, the point no one takes seriously, but also the point that has the biggest impact on your hair health and texture. Your diet impacts every part of your life: your mood, sleep, energy, skin, hair, teeth, nails, and even your relationships. Yes, your relationships are affected by what you eat because irritability and impatience damage those relationships, and those sensations can come about from imbalanced hormones or mild allergies, or a whole plethora of other food-impacted symptoms.

Your hair needs nutrients to grow. It needs protein, minerals, and vitamins. And most importantly, it needs these things on a consistent basis. Your hair grows on average 0.5 inches each month, or six inches per year. This means that if you have longer hair, the ends of your hair are reflecting your health from one or two or even three years ago. What you’re doing now diet-wise is going to impact your hair way into the future.

Spinach, berries, avocados, nuts (excluding peanuts because those aren’t actually nuts, humans just labeled them wrong and the label stuck), and seeds need to be part of your diet if you want healthy hair (and more energy and glowing skin and a balanced mood). You’ll also want to be sure that you get enough Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, and Vitamin C, as all three of these are crucial parts of the hair growth process. It’s always best to get these from whole food sources instead of supplements or enriched foods.

Consider Your Care Routine

Breaking hair is pretty easy. Using heat, styling products that are sticky, dyes, or aggressive brushing, washing, or drying can all contribute to lackluster hair that’s splitting and breaking. Seek out tools that are gentle on hair, like wide-toothed combs and the best hair ties for hair health. Stop blowdrying and burning your hair into shape with heat tools. Just stop. You can’t have nice healthy hair if you’re constantly burning it. Would you expect flowers or skin or nails to look good if they were always getting burnt? Then why do you expect the same from your hair?

Question Materials And Ingredients

Your pillowcases and towels touch your hair a fair bit. This time can either be encouraging hair shine and health or discouraging it. Softer pillowcase materials like silk can really reduce breakage, as can drying your hair with an old t-shirt instead of a rough towel. Hair is delicate and so needs softer materials whenever possible.  Visit Poshey online store to check out silk pillowcases available.

When it comes to ingredients, you’re going to have to get strict with the products you put on your hair. Avoid any products that contain parabens, sulfates, 1,4-dioxane, phthalates, or fragrance, as these all damage your hair (and give you cancer and a whole bunch of other awful health problems). But that’s most products you say. Yes. How scary is that? Most shampoos and conditioners are bad for your hair. It’s almost like they think if they keep damaging your hair, you’ll keep buying their products to fix the problem.

The above tips should help you start your journey towards healthy, shiny, thriving hair. Of course, given how slowly hair grows, it is important to understand that overall improvement takes time.