What is the Difference Between Botox & Dermal Fillers?

Of all the cosmetic procedures out there, two of the most popular without a doubt are Botox and dermal fillers. Perhaps you are undergoing one because you want to benefit from a more youthful face and want to tackle the telltale signs of aging affecting your skin. Although they are very similar, there are some differences it is important to understand before you decide which is best for you.

In the following post, that’s exactly what we are going to discuss.

What is Botox?

Botox is the shorthand and much more pleasant-sounding name for Botulism Toxin Type A. Although many people see it as being toxic, the actual form of this protein that is used is perfectly safe and has been approved by the FDA. The Botox is administered through injections to the localized areas of affected skin. It is used only in small concentrations and basically acts like a nerve signal block in the muscles it is injected into. 

Once those nerve signals are stopped, the muscle relaxes, and it makes the skin in the area smoother. As the movements made by targeting facial muscles are reduced, subsequent wrinkles they produce are less prominent and all fine lines are reduced too. 

What are the Side Effects or Downtime?

Generally speaking, Botox injections do not have any real downtime associated with them. This is why they are very appealing, especially for people looking to avoid more invasive treatment. There are some slight side effects associated with the treatment, like swelling and bruising, but this is only slight and temporary. 

The other great thing about this being a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment is that there is little to no disruption to your daily life. You can more or less continue as normal straight away.

When do Results Appear and How Long Do the Effects Last?

Although the effects of Botox injection are not always immediately visible, this is only because the filler is starting to work, but as your muscles start to relax, within a few days following the procedure you should be able to see some great results. After 2 to 3 weeks, you should see fuller results.

As it is not surgical, it is only temporary, and the results may last for anything from 3 to 6 months. 

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers can be used to plump up your skin, smooth wrinkles, and fine lines, and add volume. Rather than containing Botox, the injections used in dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring solution found in your skin. It acts as a moisture magnet and helps your skin cells to hold into moisture to give it a more hydrated and healthier look and feel. 

Similarly, to Botox injections, there is little to no real downtime with dermal fillers, but there are some side effects, although slight, such as tenderness, discoloration, itching, pain, redness, and swelling. Against this is only temporary and will normally go away within 2 to 10 days. 

How Long do the Results Last?

Again, dermal fillers are not a permanent solution. However, it still can last around 6 to 12 months. 

How do You Choose Between the Two?

When you are thinking about whether to have Botox or dermal fillers, you need to consider all important factors such as the unique characteristics and structure of your face and the type of wrinkles you are trying to get rid of. 

Both treatments are effective, but more effective in different parts of your face. Whereas Botox injections are best for more dynamic wrinkles, helping to reduce the visibility of fine lines that appear when your face moves, dermal fillers are better for more static wrinkles. Those that are visible even when you are not moving your face.