What You Need to Know About Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Thanks to injectable cosmetic fillers, resolving minor nose issues become more accessible through non-surgical rhinoplasty. It is generally a quick and painless process, giving the result you always wanted as it works to address the nose imperfections without going into invasive surgery. But like other cosmetic procedures, understanding the pros and cons, as well as risks is essential.

Here’s the rundown of what you must know about this popular nose reshaping procedure:

What is non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, often referred to as injection rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty, or 3 point rhino is a procedure that involves injecting a gel-like ingredient underneath the skin to temporarily alter the shape of the nose. Injectable fillers are hailed as a miracle of modern aesthetic medicine. The most popular dermal filler is hyaluronic acid because it naturally dissolves in the body after six months or longer.

How does it improve the appearance of the nose?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty enhances the appearance of the nose, making it appear straighter and better. Remember that it will not make your nose smaller, but it can fix and redefine the shape, correct crooked nose, or camouflage the bump on the nose bridge after injury.

  •     Nose bump. Although the procedure will not remove the bump on the nose, injecting filler to fill the surrounding space makes it look straight and flawless. Non-surgical rhinoplasty improves the contour and profile of your nose.
  •     Low bridge. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a viable option to create a higher bridge. Injecting dermal filler raises the nose bridge, resulting in a more defined nose.
  •     Dip at the bridge. Fillers can correct the dip or divot in the nose as it adds to the structure, filling the gap in the area.
  •     Irregularities and imperfections. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can instantly resolve irregularities to improve the nose symmetry by filling the section with precision. It results in an illusion of a perfect nasal structure that enhances your look.

Moreover, there are certain cases that cannot be addressed by this liquid rhinoplasty like a large hump, bulbous tip, dropping tip, and wide nostrils. It cannot bring the nostrils to slim the base width of the nose, decrease the nasal projection, or narrow the nasal tip.

How does it work?

It uses small needles to inject the filler ingredient, targeting the bridge, tip, or sides of the nose. After a thorough consultation, a professional practitioner will apply topical anesthesia to the target area and inject the dermal filler in small amounts and massage it for optimum results.  The whole procedure only takes less than 30 minutes.

What are the risks?

Although non-surgical rhinoplasty is virtually safe because it does not involve incisions, an injectable procedure in the face has certain risks that you need to consider. The architecture of the nose is fragile as well as the end arteries that deliver the blood supply. If the procedure is improperly done, it might cause temporary or permanent damage like necrosis or death of skin and facial deformities that are impossible to correct.

To mitigate possible issues, it is crucial to find an expert who knows the anatomy of the nose- bones, arteries, and cartilage. Trust only experienced and highly-skilled cosmetic professionals or surgeons to perform the procedure.

What is the recovery after the non-surgical rhinoplasty like?

Non-surgical nose job does not involve performing incisions and stitches, letting you go back to your work or return to normal activities right after the procedure. There is no downtime at all and the recovery period is one to three days. During this period, you may or may not experience minor post-procedure issues like slight bruising, redness, tenderness, or swelling in the area where the fillers are injected. You can visibly see the result within the week or two when the swelling totally subsides.

Are you a good candidate for the procedure?

The human nose completes its full development at the age of 18, hence the rule that young people who need nose jobs due to medical reasons should wait until then. Generally, patients with bleeding disorders are not qualified for non-surgical rhinoplasty. Good candidates are those with excellent overall health and do not expect overnight miracles or have realistic expectations.

How long does the result last?

It is temporary and lasts until the dermal fillers do, which can be anywhere between six and twelve months. The dissipation of the natural filler is gradual and you will notice the visible changes once they totally dissolve. You may choose to undergo another treatment or pursue a surgical rhinoplasty for permanent effects.

How much does it cost?

Compared to the traditional rhinoplasty that would cost you £4500 and £7000, a non-surgical nose job in the UK starts at £365. It is a cosmetic procedure, so it is not covered by insurance.


Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an excellent option if you want to address the nose imperfections without going under the knife. Check with your doctor today to find out if you are a good candidate for liquid rhinoplasty.