Why Do I Get Pimples on My Forehead: How Can I Get Rid of Them?

People who have pimples on their forehead and do not suffer from acne are likely to have maintained inadequate facial hygiene or have used cosmetic products that are not suitable for their skin type. Pimples on the forehead are usually a reflection of poor hygiene or poor diet. Excessive fatty foods, wrong skincare routine, and a lack of essential nutrients are some of the causes that may favor these pimples’ appearance. These factors may as well lead to forehead wrinkles, claims Women’s Concepts. They also explain that a good skincare routine and wisely chosen products are more than enough to prevent or even fight forehead pimples and wrinkles.

Pimples on the face can also be caused by acne. If you are a teenager, it is quite likely that they can be the cause of this skin condition. Approximately 8 out of 10 teenagers have acne, but this can also happen to many adults. However, pimples on the forehead are not all caused by acne. Some are caused by a superficial blockage of the skin. That is why the way to treat them is quite different. Throughout the article, we will explain what causes pimples on the forehead to develop, both those that appear because of acne and those that are due to other factors.

What is acne, and why does it cause pimples on the forehead?

Acne is a skin condition that manifests itself through different types of bumps or lumps. It can be blackheads or blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts. Adolescents suffer from this condition due to a hormonal change characteristic of puberty. The most prevalent type of acne in the general population is called acne vulgaris. In addition to pimples on the forehead, they also appear on the neck, chest, shoulders, and upper back.

The cause of their development is due to the sebum we have in the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. Sebum is the oil that lubricates the hair and skin. Under normal conditions, these glands manufacture an adequate amount of sebum. However, as the body begins to mature, hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to synthesize more of this oil. They can activate the glands to the point of being overactive, making excess sebum and too many dead dermal cells. When this happens, the pores become clogged, and bacteria, especially Propionibacterium acnes, can become trapped inside the pores and reproduce. As a result, the skin becomes swollen and red. This is how acne begins, and pimples appear on the forehead.

How is it treated?

Many people choose to use over-the-counter acne products for several weeks. However, these products are often ineffective, and patients have to see a doctor for other medications. Acne medications are used to reduce oil production, accelerate skin cell renewal, fight bacterial infection, or reduce inflammation. All of this also prevents scar formation.

Some drugs prescribed to treat pimples on the forehead, as well as those that appear on other parts of the body due to acne, are the following:

  • Retinoids and similar drugs
  • Antibiotics
  • Salicylic acid and azelaic acid
  • Isotretinoin

Pimples on the forehead: superficial obstruction of the skin.

As mentioned above, pimples produced by superficial skin obstruction are not the same as those that develop from acne, so the treatment will be different. People who have pimples on the forehead and do not suffer from acne are likely to have maintained inadequate facial hygiene or have used beauty products not indicated for their skin type for a certain period of time.

The pores of the skin are very sensitive to dirt. When dirt penetrates the pores, it can cause them to become clogged very quickly, especially if the recommended hygiene products are not used.

Often, pimples on the forehead (or other parts of the facial surface) appear because we do not know how to prevent them or how to care for the skin properly. It’s important to recognize when the face needs care, so the basic routine consists of daily facial cleansing, weekly exfoliation, and deep cleaning every one to two weeks, explains Ana for Women’s Concepts.

Daily cleansing serves to deeply remove oil from the pores. In addition, it is very important that you know your skin type so that the best products can be recommended for it. Also, do not squeeze pimples. The reason for this is that it could cause irritation, inflammation, or permanent scarring. Finally, avoid eating an excess of carbohydrates, as they favor the obstruction of pimples due to excess fat.

Prevention is a great option

Pimples on the forehead can appear for several reasons. There are some that we cannot control, but there are others that can be avoided. Know your skin type and establish a facial hygiene routine with the right products. In case you need pharmacological treatment, do not hesitate to consult a specialist for better advice.

5 Natural treatments for pimples on the face

In addition to applying these natural remedies to treat acne, it is important to identify its origin to take the necessary measures to eliminate it. Pimples’ appearance on the face is one of the most common aesthetic problems that often arise at puberty, as Healthline suggests. Although they can occur at other ages, young people are more susceptible to them due to the abrupt hormonal changes they undergo. They do not usually cause pain, although they sometimes become infected and generate certain complications. However, they almost always disappear with time without causing major problems.

Causes of pimples on the face

The appearance of pimples on the skin may be due to one or several factors. They are the result of the accumulation of sebum, dead cells, and impurities in the pores that, by hindering the oxygenation of the skin, produce a small inflammation. Their presence indicates an alteration in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which may have been triggered by another health problem. Here is a list of the most common ones:

1. Hormonal disturbances

At the stage of puberty, during the menstrual cycle, and at menopause, hormonal imbalances occur that can overstimulate production in the sebaceous glands. This situation causes excessive sebum production, which, by saturating the pores, leads to inflammation and pimples.

2. Stress and anxiety

Frequent exposure to stressful situations triggers an immune system response that inflames and alters the sebaceous glands’ normal functioning.

3. Poor nutrition

Although the subject is controversial, it is believed that the consumption of processed foods rich in harmful fats and especially refined sugars also influences the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

4. Contact dermatitis

Direct contact of the skin with certain irritants triggers an allergic response that manifests with pimples and redness.

5. Inadequate hygiene

Lack of facial cleansing or sleeping with makeup on generates an accumulation of residues on the skin that leads to pimples’ appearance.

Natural treatments for pimples on the face

There are countless cosmetic treatments developed to facilitate the elimination of pimples on the face. Here are some of the most common natural remedies to treat the problem.

1. Green clay

This ingredient is a skin detoxifier that helps absorb sebum and dead skin cells that clog pores.

How to use it?

  • Moisten a small amount of green clay into a paste
  • Rub it on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with lukewarm water, massaging gently to facilitate the elimination of the product
  • Repeat twice a week

2. Green tea

Rich in antioxidant and astringent compounds, green tea helps to deeply cleanse the face to minimize the appearance of pimples.

How to use it?

  • Spray some green tea infusion on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes
  • Wipe with a damp cloth or rinse with cold water
  • Do this at least 3 times a week

3. Rosewater

Rosewater is a natural tonic with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that help remove the residues that influence acne’s appearance.

How to use it?

  • Moisten a cotton pad with rose water and apply it with gentle massages on the skin
  • Leave it on without rinsing and repeat its use 2 times a day

4. Aloe vera

The antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera gel help control pimples’ appearance, especially when they are of infectious origin.

How to use it?

  • Extract fresh aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected areas
  • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse
  • Use it every day until the skin is healed

5. Bee honey

Bee honey contains antibiotic compounds that help eliminate bacteria that cause pimples on the skin. Its nutrients can help regenerate tissues and prevent the appearance of scars and blemishes.

How to use it?

  • Make a mask with pure bee honey, covering especially the areas with pimples
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water
  • Use it 3 times a week

Keep in mind that, in order to obtain good results, you must be consistent in the application of the natural treatment you choose. Try to keep your skin clean and avoid using excessive makeup, at least until the pimples disappear. Consult a dermatologist if the problem persists. You can also consult beauty blogs like Women’s Concepts, Cosmopolitan, and health sites such as Webmd or Healthline for proper advice on how to treat forehead pimples.